Italy 24 Press News

“La Sicilia” becomes a historic brand: it is also a reward for readers

Satisfaction and pride. These are the two sides of the same sentiment with which we announce that the newspaper “La Sicilia” has been registered, following authorization from the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, in the special register of historic Italian brands. And from today the register symbol will be on the front page next to the newspaper, a brand that is identity. Identity is precisely the added value that distinguishes us and accompanies us to go to newsstands with the paper edition and be present on the web with, our website.

The coveted recognition has so far been given to around 700 Italian companies, assessed as excellent companies of national interest by the team established at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office. A process, that of the creation of the newspaper, which we have carried out every day since 1945 and which we will be happy to follow up for many more years with the principles of democracy and freedom of ideas as our guiding light.

Great community

This recognition rewards all the workers of Domenico Sanfilippo Editore, but also you readers who every day make us feel your closeness, your attention, sharing, commenting and even criticizing our articles, our choices. We and you are a large community that gathers around this newspaper, the voice of the territory for 79 years. For this reason, we trust that our satisfaction and our pride on this day so full of meaning are also your feelings.

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