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The students of Lombardo Radice of Bojano at the national competition “Bella storia!”

BOJANO – The students of class IA ITE of the IISS G. Lombardo Radice of Bojano participated in the national competition “Bella storia!” promoted by the Ambienta Foundation. The project envisaged that the classes had to join the “Futuro” educational campaign and create an essay to present a green company in the area. The students, after a careful analysis, chose the Pringraf company, located in Campochiaro, and conducted an online interview “A chat with Packly” coordinated by Prof. Italia Martusciello. The owners Roberto and Giuseppe Prioriello were very helpful and patient in answering the young interviewers’ questions.

1-Why did you choose this name Pringraf?

The ‘Pringraf’ brand was born in 1994 from the idea of ​​combining the words ‘print’, ‘graphics’ and our surname ‘Prioriello’. Then we created Packly which was born as a fusion between the terms “pack”, “friendly” and “easily”.

2-Why did you decide to invest in this field?

Our adventure in the world of printing began almost as a joke, thanks also to the healthy “madness” and curiosity typical of twenty-year-olds. We combined our studies in electronics and technical drawing with a fascination for the process of creating print.

3-Could you kindly describe to us what are the distinctive characteristics of your company?

Innovation, quality and sustainability are the elements that distinguish us. Our web platform is our flagship. We also guarantee production without minimum orders, with the ability to make from 1 to 100,000 pieces in just 48 hours (and here we are unique in the world).

4-What are the main objectives related to environmental sustainability that you pursue?

Packly uses 100% energy from renewable sources. We self-produce 60% of the energy through two solar systems. Our materials are of the highest quality and come only from responsibly managed forests. We have adopted a zero plastic policy for our shipping packaging, replacing it completely with recyclable materials. We encourage the use of electric vehicles and we installed two charging stations 4 years ago, for free use by both staff and customers. We have installed presence and brightness sensors in every room, to optimize the light sources, which are already all low consumption.

5-What have been the main results obtained so far with your green initiatives?

Also thanks to our green initiatives we have produced over 41 million boxes, distributing them globally with a reduced environmental impact.

6-What are the stages that you consider fundamental for building your company?

Here are the fundamental stages that have defined the path of our company.

The beginning with the printing house: we started our entrepreneurial adventure with a small printing house, specializing in the printing of brochures and posters. Then we moved on to packaging and this decision marked the first step towards the sector which today represents the heart of our business. 2005 marks the definitive transition to papermaking. The integration of advanced technologies occurred in 2008. In 2011, the future was the web. In 2012, after an international experience, we completely renovated the company, rethinking our business model and moving from the printing production flow to the papermaking one. This transformation marked the beginning of a new phase of growth. It was precisely in those years that a software development team began to be created which led in 2014 to the birth of the software to instantly generate online dies for the creation of boxes.

7-Have you experienced moments of crisis?

Like any business, we have faced challenges and difficult moments that have tested our resilience and our ability to adapt. Perhaps, however, the most critical moment occurred in 2010, when we faced the financial impact of a series of missed payments. These events represented a significant economic loss. Managing this crisis required determination and strategy. However, every difficulty can give rise to an opportunity: you can decide to overturn what you are doing, even changing course.

8-How does your company and your production affect the Molise area?

A strong point for our company is represented by the deep connection with the Molise territory, highlighted mainly by the composition of our team. Most of our collaborators are originally from Molise, including professionals who have returned from abroad attracted by highly qualified positions, especially in the areas of Research and Development. This not only allows us to offer work and development opportunities here, in our region, but also to enhance and transfer Molise skills and knowledge through concrete initiatives. Among these, the Packaging Academy stands out, now in its third edition, which testifies to our commitment to transferring know-how and supporting local talent. Up to now, we have trained numerous participants, many of whom have subsequently found employment in our company or in the sector, actively contributing to the economic and cultural growth of Molise.

9-How do you see yourself Between 10 years?

Looking ahead to the next ten years, we see Packly’s future with great optimism and ambition. In just three years, we have reached the significant figure of one hundred thousand active users globally and our shipments have reached 52 different countries. This includes planning to open new factories in different parts of Europe.

10-What advice could you give us if we too wanted to create a green company in the future?

Starting a green business is an adventure that combines innovation and a sustainability-oriented philosophy, responding to the needs of a market increasingly aware of the importance of environmental impact. In this context, the “green-first” mentality becomes not only an ethical choice but a real competitive advantage.

11-Here are some tips, also the result of our experience:

Believe in your dreams. Identify the specific problem you want to solve. Propose a unique and innovative solution. Think big, but start with small, practical steps. The interview was then sent for the competition and the students were delighted to learn that they had won the Third National Prize, consisting of three Arduino starter kits for the creation of creative IoT projects. This news was shared with the owners and it was then decided to personally meet all the staff.

So on June 3 the students, accompanied by prof. Italia Martusciello and prof. Claudio Spina, went to the company and the welcome was truly exciting, as was the visit to the company. At the end of the tour, the young people were offered a buffet and received a t-shirt and a personalized box with their name. A heartfelt thank you also to Dr. Giuseppe Colavita of the Packly staff.

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