Italy 24 Press News

More votes for the EU than for the Municipality. Race for mayors, results today

The choice for new ones mayors makes it fly vote for theEurope. The Salento confirms the trend already shown in the early hours of Saturday afternoon: in the 29 municipalities where the renewal of the first citizens was scheduled, the percentage of voters in the European elections jumped over 50% in an area where they went to vote, in the 96 municipalities, only 46.20% of those entitled. And the positive variation is in favor of the elections for the Strasbourg Parliament: there are few exceptions like that Cursi where the municipal ones recorded 82.19% against 76.39% of the European ones (-5.8%), of Giuggianello with 77.5% to deliver the new mayor’s ballots compared to 72.41% of the European candidates (-5.01%), Sternatia where 91.09% voted for the post-Manera and 84.47% for the European parliamentarians (-6.62%) and Morciano di Leuca where interest in events across the border was lower: 75.85% crossed the threshold of seats for the local vote, while only 54.54% crossed the supranational vote (-21.31%).

The numbers

The overall turnout for the municipal elections in province of Lecce it stops at 69.80%, pushing the ballots for the European candidates whose overall turnout, as mentioned, does not break 46%. Leccewhere the challenge for Palazzo Carafa is among the most important in the Apulian territory, is in the wake, the challenge between Carlo Salvemini, Adriana Poli Bortone, Agostino Ciucci and Alberto Siculella attracted 69.48% of voters (69.94% in 2019), while for the Europeans 70.54 (71.92% in 2019).

The percentages in the province

The entire province is in second place for turnout with 46.20% (51.70% in 2019), behind Bari with 47.49 (52.51% five years ago), ahead of Capitanata with 42 .74% (55.46% previously), Brindisi with 39.53% (46.17% in 2019), Taranto which recorded 38.33% (it was 44.33%) and finally Bat with the 38.16% (40.08% in the previous elections). Analyzing in detail the numbers of the municipalities voting, Sternatia is the municipality with the highest turnout, 91.09%, practically the whole country has moved to decide the new mayor, while the challenge of Tuglie between Silvia Romano and Lorenzo Longo attracted little attention from residents, earning the municipality the provincial “black jersey” with 56.87%. Percentages from times gone by for most of the administrations called to the polls: in the top ten, behind Sternatia comes Castrì di Lecce (84.16%), then Martignano (82.27%), then Miggiano (78.39%) , Palmariggi (78.22%), Giuggianello (77.5%), Tiggiano (77.09%), Lequile (76.52%) and Soleto (75.97%).

All villages with a few thousand inhabitants, a sign that political passion at a local level is still alive and exciting. Below the provincial average of the municipalities voting (69.89%), Muro Leccese (68.95%), Lecce (68.46%), Copertino (67.98%), Botrugno (67.3%) ), Supersano (66.67%), Neviano (64.77%), Parabita (60.16%) and Tuglie which does not reach the 60% threshold. The ranking certifying the turnout for the European votes is not dissimilar: in the lead Castrì di Lecce (85.87%), then Martignano (84.55%), Sternatia (84.47%), then Miggiano (81.2% ), Palmariggi (79.91%), Tiggiano (79.75%), Campi Salentina (79.66%), Seclì (79.45%), Minervino di Lecce (79.42%) and Soleto (78.16 %). At the bottom of the surveys, in the last ten positions we find Casarano (30.9%), Matino (30.43%), Taviano (29.98%), Melissano (28.83%), then Salve (26.59%) , Gagliano del Capo (26.15%), Ruffano (25.67%), Presicce-Acquarica (24.48%), Ugento (23.76%), Taurisano (22.72%) and Alliste (21.67 %), where just over one citizen in five voted.


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