Italy 24 Press News

After the exit polls, the reactions of the Bergamo secretaries. The issue of turnout remains

Elena Carnevali ahead in the city by more than 10 points, with a range between 53 and 57%, compared to her centre-right opponent Andrea Pezzotta, stuck between 39 and 43%. The candidate of the 5 Star Movement, Vittorio Apicella, instead hovers between 3 and 5%. The exit poll of the Consorzio Opinio Italia for Rai, communicated shortly after 11pm on Sunday 9 June, therefore gave the centre-left candidate a super favorite night, awaiting the counting which will begin today at 2pm. It is not a projection, but the result of a survey carried out outside some polling stations in the city on a sample of voters who were asked, between Saturday and Sunday, to repeat their vote by answering a questionnaire. The gap is very significant, well beyond the two-point lead in the latest poll commissioned by the centre-left. If the forecasts are confirmed, a first round election is looming for Carnevali.

Data on Europeans

For the European elections (in the running are Giorgio Gori of the Democratic Party from Bergamo, Giovanni Malanchini of the League, Lara Magoni of Fratelli d’Italia, Simonetta Fiaccadori of Azione, Luca Perego of United States of Europe and Ermanno Gavazzi for Libertà) the projections released after the 24 from Rai (18% sample coverage) give Fratelli d’Italia at 28.5%, the Pd at 23.7%, the M5s at 10.5% Forza Italia-Noi Moderati at 10%, the Lega at 8%, 3%, Greens and Left Alliance at 6.7%, United States of Europe at 4%, Action-We are Europeans at 3.4%, Peace, Land and Dignity at 2.4%, Freedom at 1.4% and Popular Alternative at 0.4%.

The reactions of the secretaries

Prudent, but satisfied provincial secretary of the Democratic Party, Gabriele Giudici: «The exit polls from the municipal elections are very positive – he says -. We expected a good result but not such a clear distance; Now let’s keep our fingers crossed because the result that counts is the one at the polls.” On the European elections, «the result that emerges is excellent for the Democratic Party – he continues –, which is growing and firmly confirming itself as Italy’s second party and pressing on the Brothers of Italy. The very first data also gives a good perception of Giorgio Gori but we will see over the hours. The problem of turnout remains, which arises at every session. It is a fact that gives food for thought and which on the one hand must push politicians to do more and more and on the other civil society to engage in the political and civic context.”

«In the city, the concreteness of the proposals wins – comments the provincial secretary of Action, Adriano Musitelli (candidate on Elena Carnevali’s civic list) –. I always had the feeling that Carnevali could win in the first round, I saw a lot of enthusiasm. In Europe, however, we can glimpse a bad result for Action, partly predictable after the break with the Third Pole. In Italy the centre-right has not made great progress, but the right-wing wind blowing in other countries is worrying, while the good resistance of the EPP is interesting.” The issue of increasingly high abstentionism remains, “a situation that is not improving and which represents a problem for democracy” adds Musitelli.

However, he is very cautious the provincial secretary of Italia Viva Gianmarco Gabrieli: «It is premature to talk about any result in Bergamo – he says -. In Europe, the growth of the far right in France and Germany is a very worrying sign. The very high abstentionism is the result of political and cultural polarization. We need to return to a high policy of dialogue.” «For the Greens and Left Alliance, an extraordinary result could emerge at the European elections – he adds Alfredo Di Sirio, provincial secretary of the Italian Left –. The increase in abstentionism is a crucial problem, affecting the quality and stability of democracy. People don’t feel fully represented by politics.”

Prudence reigns in the centre-right, awaiting the final verdicts. «We are waiting for the official numbers, but the data on the European Championships is excellent, a good result – he comments Andrea Tremaglia, provincial president of Fratelli d’Italia –. The trend that has emerged confirms us as the first party and growing, an important fact after two years of government. We are waiting for the ballots in the city to get some more numbers, now it is too early to comment. It is sad to see the rate of abstentionism at a national level.” «We are waiting for real data – he analyzes Fabrizio Sala, provincial secretary of the League –. Predictions always leave the time they find, because then they risk being proven wrong. The big problem is abstentionism. Furthermore, voters see Europe as something distant, when in reality what is decided in Europe also has repercussions on our territory”. «We remain cautious and wait for the real data, but the trends that have emerged in the European elections, if confirmed, are very positive, considering the objective of approaching 10% – he says Umberto Valois, provincial coordinator of Forza Italia –. And on the abstentionism front we will work even harder to connect Europe to local realities.”

Finally for the 5 Star Movement, the provincial secretary Danilo Albani Rocchetti he says he was «very disappointed by the turnout. I expected at least 65% in the city, considering the contemporaneity of the two electoral rounds. As far as the administrative elections are concerned, if these are the results we are satisfied, while in the European elections, the 5 Star Movement, being less rooted, always suffers a little more”.

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