Italy 24 Press News

European parties 2024, the new map of the EU: country by country which lists won

OfOnline editorial

Based on the first exit polls, the new map of Europe that could be drawn by these elections is starting to take shape. While waiting for the definitive results (here the data on turnout; here the updated live results of the European elections in Italy), here is what the polls carried out at the polling stations of the main European countries say. It should be remembered that not all countries have the same weight in the European Parliament: in the graphic below the number of parliamentarians they elect.

parties linked to European conservatives and reformists

moderate center-right of parties linked to the European People’s Party

parties linked to the European Socialist Party

parties linked to the ALDE liberals

parties linked to identity and democracy

parties linked to the Greens


The People’s Party of the CDU/CSU (a party belonging to the EPP) is the leading party at 30%, the right-wing extremists of the AfD surpass the socialists of the SPD at 16% (14%). This is what emerges from the exit polls relating to Germany. The others: Greens 12.5%, BSW 6%, FDP 5%, Sinistra (Linke) 3% Volt 3%. Tino Chrupalla, leader of the German ultra-right AfD, rejoices: «The game is over and we have a super result, a record result. We have almost 50% of new voters in Europe.” Kevin Kühnert, general secretary of the Social Democrats (SPD), said that “this is a hard defeat for us today”.


According to the first French exit polls, published in advance by the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, the Rassemblment national and its leader Jordan Bardella would obtain 33-34% of the votes. While Valèrie Hayer’s Macronian list would get 14 to 15%. The left-wing candidate (PS-Place publique) Raphael Glucksmann would oscillate between second and third place, between 12.5% ​​and 14% of the votes. La France insoumise (and Manon Aubry, leader of the left group in the European Parliament) would collect between 8.4 and 8.5%. The Republicans and Francois-Xavier Bellamy could have 7 to 7.2%. The environmentalists, with Marie Toussaint, would have between 5 and 6.5%, almost touching the threshold. Reconquete, Eric Zemmour’s party, represented by Marion Mare’chal, would follow the Greens with a range of between 5 and 5.5% of the votes.


The first exit polls from Spain – provided by SigmaDos – indicate an advantage for the People’s Party (EPP) at 32.4%. Followed by: PSOE (S&D) 30.2%; Vox (Ecr) 10.4%; Sumar (The Left/Greens) 6.3%; Podemos (The Left) 4.4%. Projections indicate 22 seats for the EPP, 20 for the socialists and 6 for Vox.


The exit polls put the conservatives of Nea Dimokratia (a member party of the European People’s Party) in the lead with between 28 and 32%. Syriza (of the Left group in the European Parliament) follows between 15.2 and 18.2. The socialist party Pasok would be in third place, between 13.9 and 10.9. Followed by the communists of the KKE (between 10.3 and 7.9) and the far-right party Ellinikilisi (Greek Solution) with between 10 and 7.6%.


In Poland, Tusk’s Civic Coalition (KO), which refers to the EPP parliamentary group in Europe, is ahead of Law and Justice (PiS) in the first exit polls of the European elections: Popular at 38%, Conservatives at 33.9% .


Far right forward in Austria. The first exit polls, released by the media at the close of the polls, indicate that the far-right FPÖ party (member of the parliamentary group (ID) is in the lead with 27%. The conservative People’s Party is in second place with 23.5%. %, and the Social Democrats in third with 23%. If the data are confirmed, it will be the first time that the Freedom Party has placed first in a national election in Austria.


In Slovakia, according to initial forecasts, the left-liberal opposition party Progressive Slovakia will be able to count on almost 28% of votes. This would be three percentage points more than those of Prime Minister Robert Fico’s left-wing populist Smer (Direction) party. In third place is the far-right nationalist party Republika with 12.5%, followed by the left-wing Hlas (Voice) party at 7%. The Slovak National Party (SNS), also in government, drops in forecasts and does not even reach two percent. Slovakia’s elections were overshadowed by the attack on Prime Minister Fico, who was seriously injured by multiple gunshots in mid-May.


According to the exit polls released by the European Parliament for Croatia, the People’s Party of HDZ, the Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic’s party which adheres to the EPP in Europe, come first with 33.74%, followed by the Socialists of Koalicija SDP (27.81%) and the far right of the Movimento Patria DP with 8.67%, and MoPtemo with 5.84. Prime Minister Plenkovic has formed a government alliance with the right-wing DP. As for seats: 6 for the EPP, 4 for the S&D, 1 for the Greens and 1 for others.


According to the first exit polls, Romania’s two governing parties, the centre-left Social Democratic Party and the centre-right National Liberal Party, obtained a total of 53% of the votes, while the extreme Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) right came second with 16%. The country’s two largest parties have decided to present a joint list for the elections. If the data is confirmed, the AUR will enter the European Parliament for the first time. According to forecasts, the winning list will split in Strasbourg: 12 elected members will go to the EPP, 13 will join the socialist group


In Portugal, the exit polls assign the greatest number of votes to the Socialist Party, which would receive 31.4% of the votes. It comes slightly ahead of the Democratic Alliance, which is part of the Popular Party family (3rd, 4th). Followed by the Liberal Initiative (9.8) and the right-wing extremists of Chega! (9.2)


The Netherlands was the first EU country to close voting operations. According to the exit polls, the coalition between socialists and greens prevails. led by the socialist Frans Timmermans. The tandem will send 8 parliamentarians to Strasbourg. The left-wing coalition prevails over the right-wing sovereignists led by Geert Wilders who won the elections a few months ago (they will have 6 MEPs. In third place are the liberals of the outgoing prime minister Mark Rutte. Timmermans’ formation would once again become the most voted, with the 21.7%, overtaking Wilders’s which stands at 17


The EPP also plants its flag as the most voted party on the island of Cyprus. The Disy formation, which belongs to the People’s Party, won 24.8% of the votes, leaving behind Akel, an acronym which3 is recognized as being on the far left. The surprise is the third place won by an independent candidate, the YouTuber Fidias Panayoitou , with 19.26%


Italy is also added to the map. With the affirmation of FdI – which the polls place between 27 and 31% – the prevailing party is a party that falls within the Conservative group in Europe. Five-six points behind is the Democratic Party, which as usual will join the socialist group. The position of the M5S is uncertain.


The affirmation of Fidesz, the right-wing party of Prime Minister Viktor Orbàn, is taken for granted. Which however suffers a percentage drop of 8 points, stopping at 43.7%. Strong affirmation of the newly formed Tisza party, second with 31%; the group was created by some Fidesz “secessionists”.


According to estimates based on exit polls, in Malta the leading political force would be the Labor Party (affiliated with the Socialists and Democrats) with 44.7% of the votes, overtaking the Nationalist Party (People’s Party) of the current president of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola , which would stand at 42.5%.


In Sweden the Social Democratic Party reaffirms its leadership, rising in the polls to 24.9% (but falling compared to the policies). The centre-right Moderate Party is clearly behind (17.1) and the sovereignists of the Democratic Party (13.2, they took 19th in the elections two years ago), also surpassed by the Greens (13.9)

June 9, 2024 (changed June 10, 2024 | 00:11)


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