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Sampdoria transfer market, Leoni redemption: clause for Padova

Leoni’s redemption will be one of Sampdoria’s first transfer market operations, but only 1.5 million may not go to Padova

Undisputed talent on the rise from February to May, Giovanni Leoni will soon be one of the main protagonists of the transfer market Sampdoria. The central defender class of 2006 it was an intuition of Andrea Mancini who took it from Padua with a loan with the right to redemption at 1.5 million euros. A figure which, in hindsight, is already too low for its value and growth prospects. Just the portal alone Transfermarkt calculates its price in 4.5 million, triple.

Naturally Sampdoria will buy him out, for a sum that is not high despite the stakes in the transfer market and the stringent rules on the liquidity index. Also because for Leoni a fairly profitable transfer is expected, with which the Blucerchiati could finance other incoming negotiations. There is talk, for example, of a sale of the card, aiming to keep him on loan for another year.

In this case, however, it would seem to be Padova who lose out the most. In a few months he saw the value of the defender, who wasn’t even an adult, increase, as he wasn’t even a starter in Serie C for the Venetians. But the red and whites had already partially protected themselves in the negotiations with Sampdoria.

Sampdoria, Leoni buyout: Padova gets a percentage of the resale

Sampdoria transfer market, Giovanni Leoni redemption: there is a clause in favor of Padova. Here’s what it is

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According to what he revealed Padua Sports, there would be one percentage on resale of Leoni’s card to be paid to Padova, although it is not known how much it amounts to. In addition to the 1.5 million of the ransom, therefore, if Sampdoria sold him they would have to donate a percentage of the proceeds to the former owners.

This should also be counted in the balance between current assets and liabilities for the liquidity ratio. In the meantime, Sampdoria should take steps to buy him out between 12 and 14 June, dates in charge of these operations, perhaps already with the help of some club interested in purchasing Leoni’s card. It will therefore be a question of understanding how much to sell him for, considering that the value of 2006 (fresh from an internship with Italy Under 20) is growing almost day by day.

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