Italy 24 Press News

at 12 turnout was 33.59%. Polls open until 11pm, then the exit polls

BARI – The polls for the European and local elections reopened at 7 this morning. Today there will be voting until 11pm to elect the 76 members of the European parliament belonging to Italy, of the council and of the president of the regional council in Piedmont and for the annual round of administrative elections in the regions with ordinary statute and in those with special statute in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sardinia and Sicily.

For the European elections in Puglia at 12, 22.75% of those entitled to vote voted, according to the Interior Ministry data published on the ‘Eligendo’ portal and referring to all sections (4,029). The figure is lower than the national one which is 24%. This is the percentage in the provinces: Bari 25.10%; Bat 18.70; Brindisi 8.19pm; Foggia 23; Lecce 24.75; Taranto 18.89. The turnout for the municipal elections was higher and was 38.4% overall. In particular, in the two main municipalities, 33.59% of voters went to the polls in Bari and 42.83% in Lecce.

According to the latest data published by the Interior Ministry, over 51 million citizens are interested in voting for the European elections, i.e. the total number of those registered on the electoral lists. The administrative elections concern 3,698 municipalities in total, of which 3,520 from the ordinary statute regions, 114 from Friuli Venezia Giulia, 27 from Sardinia and 37 from Sicily. There are 28 provincial capitals voting.

In Puglia there are 847,661 voters called to vote for the renewal of municipal councils and for the choice of new mayors in 62 municipalities. We also vote for the renewal of the European Parliament. Bari and Lecce are the only capitals.

Voting is also taking place in Potenza to decide the new mayor of the Lucanian capital.


The mayoral candidates of Bari are also at the polls. The candidate of the Democratic Party and the Greens, Vito Leccese, he voted immediately after the polls opened, in Carbonara at the Don D’Alesio school, in via Francesco Pepe, section 177, with his whole family in tow. The outgoing mayor of Bari also voted, Antonio Decarowho went to the polling station set up in the Rota Levi Montalcini school, in the coastal district of Torre a Mare.

«It is important to go and vote to elect your representatives in the Municipalities where there are administrative elections and in Europe. Despite the hot days, we have to go to the polling stations to cast our vote. Voting is an exercise in democracy that makes us protagonists of our future.” the mayor of Bari and president of Anci then commented on social media.

Followed by the centre-right mayoral candidate Fabio Romito who voted at the polling station set up in the Marco Polo school, in the Poggiofranco district. Also at the polls to cast his vote is the candidate for mayor of Bari from the Five Star Movement and the Italian Left, Michele Laforgia who voted in the afternoon at the polling station set up in the Principessa di Piemonte school, in the Libertà district. And finally also the president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, decided to vote on the first day of elections. The governor voted at the Vivante polling station, in Piazza Diaz.

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