Italy 24 Press News

Caserta, Campo Laudato si’ opened in the former Macrico: «A work of volunteers»

Yesterday and today, from 9 to 12, gates open to Campo Laudato si’, ex Macrico. In this first weekend many began to enjoy it. After the extensive work carried out by the Church, from making it safe to cleaning the large area of ​​the first quadrant, it will now be possible, thanks to the availability of the Diocesan Clergy Support Institute and the Casa Fratelli Tutti Foundation, be able to enjoy it on weekend mornings.

«Yesterday morning in the Curia – say the Foundation – the meeting of the volunteers who made themselves available to provide their service in the Camp as surveillance during openings and for small green maintenance. Volunteers who formalize in writing their availability to carry out the service, according to the statute, are considered supporting members of the Foundation and registered in the appropriate register. That is will allow them to have insurance coverage».

A consortium of availability for a dream that Bishop Pietro Lagnese wrote in the Manifesto but which the city has been cultivating for years. «In the meantime – they add from the Foundation – we reiterate the appeal to share the journey and we invite you to become volunteers and we also turn to entrepreneurs so that they can adopt the quadrant that we have opened to public use by taking charge of the maintenance of the greenery which is very large, 5 hectares. Agricultural machinery is also necessary for this.”

It once happened in Carditello, when the Real Sito had not yet been brought back into the hands of the State by the then Mibact minister Massimo Bray: a group of agricultural entrepreneurs, first of all Francesco D’Amore, made machines and men available to the small palace to allow the extraordinary openings. Good practices that have brought excellent results. Meanwhile, the controversy over the future of the Camp has reignited. After the protests of the «From Macrico to Campo di Pace» Committee and Legambiente, this time the outcry is from the Green Macrico Committee. The preparatory meeting for the calling of the preliminary investigative services conference on Campo Laudato Sì was held on Thursday in the Municipality. At the meeting, chaired by the mayor Carlo Marino, in addition to representatives of the municipal administration, the Province of Caserta, the fire brigade, Enel distribution, the Superintendence, the Italian Railway Network, the “Casa Fratelli Tutti” Foundation, the Institute Diocesan for the Support of the Clergy.

An indigestible proposal had come from the representatives of the Province: to identify the area in which it is located the former Macrico as F6. «Why do we say no to the F6? – they explain from the Green Macrico Committee – because with this destination there is a risk that that area will become a place destined to host shopping centers disguised as a few sports facilities for public use. We still ask loudly that the area be classified as F2, protecting it from building speculation and preserving it as a natural park. This act would represent a concrete commitment towards sustainability and the protection of the natural and cultural heritage of the city of Caserta.

The transformation into F2, an unbuildable area, would guarantee the conservation, consistently and in compliance with the restrictions placed on it by the Superintendency, of a green space for future generations in perfect agreement with Pope Francis’ Laudato Si”. In reality, the Province’s proposal remained isolated, was not accepted, and has nothing to do with Bishop Lagnese’s Manifesto and the master plan presented by the Foundation.


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