Italy 24 Press News

the expert midfielder Daniele Prato arrives

The restyling work continues at AC Lissone where the changing of the guard at corporate level is causing “upheavals” also at the staff level. For now there are just a couple confirmed (Meggiarin and Pollutri). Lots of new ones, practically one a day. And after the dream pairing in attack of Catta-Cesana, the midfield is also enriched with a top player. The expert midfielder born in 1991 Daniele Prato arrives in Via dei Platani from Concorezzese. After Monza and Giana, Nibionno, Verdello and Zingonia in D he played in Arcellasco. From 2020 he was at Concorezzese which last season he dragged all the way to the playoffs. Lorenzo Curia, on the other hand, is a 1999 striker who Ac Lissone draws from the First Category of Juvenilia (10 goals) but who also has extensive experience in D (Casatese) and before at Fenegrò and NibionnOggiono. In defense comes Stefano Nova, recently between Casati and Lesmo, while defending the posts is Marco Porro, born in 1993 who was at the Base after so much Excellence and Promotion (Oggiono, Manara, Pontelambrese) and also Prima in Besana. From Manara here is the 1993 midfielder Jacopo Loew who before his lucky experience in Barzanò defended the colors of Mariano, Castellanza, Merate, Arona, Cabiate, Muggiò, Cinisello and Universal Solaro. The latest arrival in chronological order is that of Giacomo Zappa after seven years in Lesmo.


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