Italy 24 Press News

Naples, attempted robbery in via Cirillo: 41-year-old Masecchia arrested

Attempted robbery in a house in the historic center: 41-year-old surprised by the owner and arrested by the police. The police headquarters let it be known that the agents of the Vicaria-Mercato police station, during a territorial control service, following a note received by the local operations room, intervened in via Domenico Cirillo to report an attempted burglary in a home .

The operators, who arrived on site, noticed a man who was chasing another, indicating him as the perpetrator of the attempted theft; therefore, the police reached him and blocked him. According to the police’s reconstruction, the man, a few moments earlier, had attempted to enter an apartment by forcing the entrance door with a screwdriver; in fact he showed signs of forced entry. For these reasons the 41 year old Salvatore Masecchia he was arrested for attempted home invasion.

A heart-pounding day for the police. In the same hours, the agents of the Vicaria-Mercato police station, during a territorial control service, intervened to support their colleagues from the police station’s guardhouse as a man had shown up, reported in the same morning for receiving stolen goods and resisting the public. official, who insistently requested the immediate return of some mobile phones.

The operators asked him several times to leave but the aforementioned, once he left the police offices, first kicked and punched the entrance door of the police station and then physically attacked the policemen who intervened to bring him back to calm until, not without difficulty, it was blocked. For these reasons, the man, a 32-year-old Tunisian, was arrested for violence and resistance to a public official and aggravated bodily harm.

The police investigations are still ongoing. In recent days the police headquarters have intensified patrols in the historic center. And the latest operations fall within this framework of targeted controls. The alleys of the historic center are under the lens of the police: from Forcella, to the Courts, passing through the Market and the Quartieri Spagnoli. The objective of the police and the Carabinieri patrols is to make the presence of the State felt in the territory.

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