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European elections 2024, today’s news – Live news

8 June 2024


Reguzzoni (Fi): “Bossi’s vote? Satisfaction that is worth the campaign”

“I have never commented on Bossi’s statements in twenty years and I don’t intend to do so now. If he gives me his vote, for me it is such a satisfaction that demonstrates my coherence and is worth the electoral campaign alone.” He tells it to LaPresse Marco Reguzzoni, exponent of the Northern Committee, today an independent candidate on the Forza Italia lists for the North-West constituency, commenting on the news that the founder of the Northern League Umberto Bossi he would have chosen to express his preference for him at the European elections.

8 June 2024


Grimoldi: “Bossi will vote Forza Italia, the League has been betrayed”

“Umberto Bossi just called me. Albeit late, he asked me to let people know what he will vote for: he will vote for Reguzzoni, because the League has been betrayed.” This was made known by the Northern League member Paolo Grimoldi, former secretary of the Lombard League and founder of the Northern Committee, the “Bossian” current in opposition to Matteo Salvini. According to what he states, therefore, the founder of the Northern League has chosen to express his preference for Marco Reguzzoni, a former Northern League member who is now an independent candidate on the Forza Italia lists for the North-West constituency at the “Forza Nord” level, the current led by the former mayor of Verona Flavio Tosi.

Reached byHandle, Grimoldi details his story: “I received two phone calls from Umberto Bossi. I didn’t hear the first one. The second was his driver who told me: “I’ll pass the boss on to you”. I replied and he said to me in a very angry voice: “Let it be known that I vote for Reguzzoni”. And Reguzzoni, as you know, presents himself as an independent candidate of Forza Italia. He sounded angry because the League is no longer the League,” he specifies. And when asked what the Senatur thinks of Roberto Vannacci, Salvini’s leading candidate general, Grimoldi assures “he absolutely doesn’t like him, he is certainly not an admirer of his”.

8 June 2024


Bonino: “Everyone go and vote”

“If you are at home, hurry up, if you haven’t done so yet, do it quickly, but go and vote. Everyone go and vote.” This was said by the radical leader Emma Bonino, candidate in the Central and North-West constituencies for the United States of Europe list, speaking to journalists after voting in her Rome polling station in via dell’Arco del Monte. Bonino was accompanied by the secretary of Più Europa, Riccardo Magi.

8 June 2024


Salvini at the polling station: “I put the tenth really strong”

“I really put the tenth on the card”. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport said it, Matteo Salvinishortly before inserting the ballot paper into the ballot box inside the polling station in via Martinetti, in Milan, where this afternoon he voted for the European elections.

8 June 2024


Bonelli against Salvini: “Viola the silence. Piantedosi intervenes”

“Respect the rules for the minister Salvini it’s always difficult, 50 minutes ago he appealed to vote for the League, as can also be seen from various complaints received by our number of ‘SOS Voto Pulito’. The Interior Ministry must intervene immediately and sanction Salvini for violating the electoral silence. Piantedosi say something for the honor and the dignity of institutions. The leader of the League shows total contempt for respecting the laws.” Thus in a note the deputy of the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra Angelo Bonelli

8 June 2024


Ostia, illness a few meters from the polling station: a 63-year-old dies

A man died after falling ill in the street near a polling station Host. It happened in via dei Promontori. The agents of the tenth Sea Group of the local police, carabinieri and 118 were on site. The man felt ill while he was on the pavement, near the Enriques High School polling station. Help for the 63-year-old was useless.

8 June 2024


Budapest, demonstration against Orban before the vote

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the iconic Heroes’ Square of Budapestin Hungaryfor a demonstration organized by the opposition figure Peter Magyara former member of the government who turned against the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban. In today’s scorching heat, Magyar addressed the crowd, saying he and his movement would build “a more beautiful, peaceful and happy country” and end Orban’s 14 years in power. “I was a spark that started the engine of change,” he said. Péter Magyar, a 43-year-old lawyer who in just a few months built Hungary’s strongest opposition party, hopes to use a good result in tomorrow’s European elections in the country to push himself and his movement to defeat the nationalist Orban in the next vote national scheduled for 2026.

8 June 2024


Record number of scrutineers giving up in Cagliari

Last calls and a communication campaign on social media and other media outlets to stem the real boom in waivers to the assignment by scrutineers and seat presidents. The Common reports that the waste has also exceeded that recorded for the regional elections at the end of February. Strategy that worked and allowed the seats to be held regularly settled in 210 sections of the capital, where we also vote for the choice of the new mayor with 5 candidates in the field.

8 June 2024


Vannacci votes in Viareggio: “Ready to launch”

The general Roberto Vannaccicandidate in the next European elections with the Leaguevoted in the Lambruschini school polling station a Viareggio (Lucca). Upon leaving, she responded to reporters by saying: “I expect a lot of targets ambitious, we will see. We’re on the ramp, ready to launch. If there is a green light we will launch.”

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