Italy 24 Press News

Farewell to Margaret Cittadino, historic CGIL manager, mourning in the trade union world in Salerno

Farewell to the historic CGIL leader and militant from Salerno. She was currently coordinator in Cittadinanzattiva and of the Court for the rights of the patient.

Mourning in the trade union and healthcare world of Salerno for the death of Margaret Citizen, 70 years old, a historic trade union leader of the CGIL who today held the role of coordinator of the Cittadinanzattiva assembly and of the Tribunal for the rights of the patient at the Ruggi D’Aragona hospital in Salerno. Funeral tomorrow Sunday 9 June 2024.

Antonio Capezzuto, secretary of CGIL Funzione Pubblico in Salerno writes: «Margaret was an extraordinary woman who dedicated her existence to the defense of the rights of workers and the sick, to defend the universality of public health. Margaret was a beacon of hope for many, an example of commitment and dedication.”

In a note, Nursind Salerno expresses his condolences: «We will always remember Margaret not only for her tireless commitment to defending workers’ rights, but also for the indelible mark she left in the hearts of those who knew her. Margaret was a figure of reference, dedicating her life to the CGIL and the Patient’s Rights Tribunal, always with extraordinary empathy and respect for others. Her work is a shining example for the new generations of trade unionists, showing how trade union action must be aimed at the interests of workers and not at their own personal beliefs or party interests.”

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