Italy 24 Press News

Don Gigi Musazzi is the new parish priest of Beata Giuliana

Don Gianluigi Musazzi

BUSTO ARSIZIO – The official announcement in the pre-holiday mass on Saturday 8 June: Blessed Giuliana has a new parish priest, it is Don Gianluigi Musazzi, 63 years old, originally from Rho. He currently leads the pastoral community “Visitation of the Virgin Mary” of Cormano. It’s been since last September that the parish of the most populous neighborhood of Busto Arsizio he is without a parish priest.

Who is

Don Gigi Musazzi was ordained a priest on 13 June 1987 in the Cathedral by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and took service as coadjutor in Casatenovo. Then he was parish priest in San Carlo di Sesto San Giovanni and currently carries out his ministry in Cormano, in the parish of San Salvatore.

The “vacant seat”

The official appointment of the new parish priest was announced during the pre-holiday mass Monsignor Severino Pagani, the Provost of San Giovanni who since last September has assumed the responsibility of leading the parish of Beata Giuliana “ad interim”. In February the arrival of Don Antonio Imeri had been announcedwho however gave up after a month for health reasons, leaving the parish of the most populous neighborhood of the city still undefended.

bust of arsizio parish priest beata giuliana – MALPENSA24
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