Italy 24 Press News

Violence in the cell, the witness changes his mind: «Mutual insults between the two trappers

PAVIA. During the investigation, he said he had witnessed some episodes of violence in the cell, of beatings and slaps, even at night. But yesterday afternoon (June 7) he partially recanted: “There were arguments and mutual insults.” The prisoner was heard as a witness in the trial in which the trapper Gianmarco Fagà, known as Traffik, is accused of mistreatment in his cell against Jordan Tinti, 26 years old, a trapper known as Jordan Jeffrey Baby, who was found dead last March 12th in his cell.

An investigation by the prosecutor’s office is underway into this death (the suicide hypothesis does not convince the family), coordinated by the magistrate Alberto Palermo. The manslaughter investigation is intertwined with the trial, started a few weeks ago, for the alleged violence suffered by Jordan Tinti during his period of detention in Torre del Gallo.

The hearing of the trial, by decision of judge Elena Stoppini, took place behind closed doors, but from what was known the witness, a prisoner and cellmate of both, gave a different version from the one he had provided during the investigations . Two other witnesses will be heard at the next hearing, set for September 13, because they had not received proper notification of the summons.

«We will ask for the documents to be sent to the prosecutor’s office, because two witnesses spoke of threats and intimidation – explains the plaintiff’s lawyer, Federico Edoardo Pisani of Milan, who represents Jordan Tinti’s father, present in the courtroom yesterday -. After hearing brief information, the witness reported the violence that Jordan suffered in silence every day. Now change version. Let’s see the evaluation that the judge will also make.”

On the other line of investigation, that of the death of the young trapper, an autopsy was performed and the 26-year-old’s cellmates were interviewed, but the medical examiner’s report has yet to be filed. The lawyer Pisani and a family consultant also participated in the examination. «In our opinion there are responsibilities in the choice to bring Jordan back to prison from the community where he was in therapeutic foster care – explains the lawyer -. We await the conclusion of the investigations.”

The lawyer had already reported fears about the 26-year-old’s prison conditions. Tinti had been back in his cell in Pavia for 10 days, a prison where he had already been confined previously after his arrest in 2022. At the request of his lawyer he had been transferred to a protected community, but had returned to prison for having violated the regulation, in particularly for the alleged possession of a mobile phone.

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