Italy 24 Press News


A warrior, not even the disease had ever hindered her denunciation activity to guarantee the rights of the sick, the criticality of beds, the shortage Of services Of territory, cuts in public spending and healthcare models that are not always adequate to guarantee appropriate, timely and quality treatment responses.

Always ready to fight for injustices, to guarantee equal healthcare for all, to report cases of medical malpractice. Salerno mourns the death of Margaret Cittadino, 70 years old, employee of the “Ruggi” hospital, retired a few years ago, historic trade union representative of the CGIL and president of the Tribunal for the rights of the patient.

There are countless messages that since this morning, when the news of her death spread, accompany the memory of an example of a woman who has always been committed to asserting workers’ rights, against injustices, cuts to the health system and the deficiencies of staff.

A life spent for the protection of workers and people, despite his illness and the need to have a breathing aid there was no garrison or demonstration where his presence was not recorded, not least at the Da Procida hospital due to its closure of the rehabilitation department and the inconvenience for patients forced to not be able to have the same care elsewhere.

“Margaret was an extraordinary woman who dedicated her existence to defending the rights of workers and the sick, to defend the universality of public health. Margaret was a beacon of hope for many, an example of commitment and dedication, as stated in a message by the current secretary of the CGIL public service, Antonio Capezzuto, recalling how much her passion and determination inspired generations of activists and workers” .

“Strong and determined trade unionist, communist, serious woman who, with your example and your incessant work, without ever falling into rhetoric and banality, has allowed many women and men to work with dignity, to hope for a better future, feeling protected and listen to yourself. Always”. Thus in a note from the Memory in Movement Association. There were many messages, even the president of the Salerno medical association Giovanni D’Angelo was incredulous this morning and said to our microphones several times that his life and his work and commitment are an example”.

The funeral chapel has been set up in the Casa del Comiato Guariglia in via Leonardo, not far from the hospital, where the last farewell will be allowed until tomorrow, Sunday 9 June, at 11.00 pm.

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