Italy 24 Press News

Party in the countryside for the families of the Santa Marta Dispensary

A day dedicated to play and the rediscovery of nature for children and families assisted by the Vatican structure, in the greenery of the Colle dell’Acero farm in Velletri among animals, sports and liturgical entertainment

Vatican News

A beautiful day of celebration which began by boarding the buses in the Vatican around 8.30am today, 8 June, and which is scheduled until 5pm. The Santa Marta Dispensary organized it as an end-of-year event for children and the families assisted by the Vatican structure. The destination, an area surrounded by greenery around Velletri, in the Colle dell’Acero farmhouse. Here, waiting for them after the snack in the picnic area, the director of the Dispensary, Sister Anna Luisa Rizzello, greeted the participants, which was followed by a liturgical moment and a song to be sung together.

The departure from the Vatican

The morning was spent in activities typical of a trip to a farm: a visit to the farm animals with a demonstration of how they are fed, a pony ride, an always appreciated game of five-a-side football. The volunteers also organized games together in the equipped area, such as the traditional sack race or tug of war.

A day in the countryside for the whole family

After lunch, punctuated by entertainment and music, and a moment of relaxation, the afternoon includes a magic show with dancing to follow and the possibility of repeating the morning’s activities for those who hadn’t had time to take part, before leaving again for Rome.

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