Italy 24 Press News

by law microbreweries benefit the entire regional production system

Almost two months have passed since the unanimous approval, in the Emilia-Romagna Regional Council, of the law on the promotion and valorisation of craft beer. While the companies of brewing supply chain strive to fully seize the opportunities of the new regional regulatory provisions, we are witnessing controversial utterances from a local trade association.

Andrea Soncini, deputy director of Unionbirrai

“Confesercenti’s reaction, reported by the press, is curious and late – declares Andrea Soncini, deputy director of Unionbirrai, the trade association of small independent craft breweries – Frankly, it seems like a clumsy and ill-timed attempt to pass off someone else’s victory as one’s own. A victory, however, which does not belong to Unionbirrai as promoters of the law but which above all belongs to the various components of the brewing supply chain in the Emilia-Romagna area: from the farmers in the field, to the microbreweries up to the activities that sell and promote local productions. Identification – continues Soncini – the possibility of breweries having their products consumed directly on site is an aspect on which Confesercenti should be the first to congratulate, yet we are witnessing controversies that leave us speechless”.

The rule under dispute relating to the so-called “unattended administration” is, in reality, just one of the many aspects of the law which aims to support and enhance the brewing supply chain also allocating economic resources for the modernization of production plants.

“However, we are talking about a crucial aspect for the development of brewery tourism for the benefit of all local commercial entities, including those represented by Confesercenti – explains Soncini (Unionbirrai) – Nothing more than what already happens with wine in cellars and which has recently been granted at a national level also to oil mills. Situations in which we have certainly not witnessed diatribes of this type. But as lovers of conviviality we respond to the controversy with the invitation to join us to enhance the territories and local productions, moving away from short-sighted logics which appear to be contrary to the development and economic growth of our Region. Quality products – concludes the deputy director of Unionbirrai – which bring jobs and wealth locally and which should be supported in the face of competition from large groups, so that they can carve out their own market share with aware and conscientious buyers”.


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