Italy 24 Press News

Padua, Oughourlian took two days: the budget will be revealed on Wednesday

The Franco-Armenian financier seems convinced to satisfy the sporting director on some requests

Further rumors about the summit that took place yesterday in London in the Amber offices between the owner Oughourlian, the CEO Bianchi, the president Peghin and the sporting director Mirabelli. The focus of the meeting mainly concerned the numbers of the season just concluded, with the owners reiterating their satisfaction with Mirabelli’s work (which however remains contested by some fans). The final assessment of the sporting director’s work for the club is clearly positive (he made mistakes in the January market and in the choice of Oddo, but he achieved the record of capital gains ever in the entire Serie C, with a clause in the contract which among other things does not provide percentages in his favor on the same capital gains generated. The last two sporting directors who passed through Padua, Sogliano and Zamuner, did.

Next steps and company conference

The issue now concerns the budget for the next championship: the financier wants to evaluate and weigh the choices carefully, which is why he asked for two days to communicate the investments for the next season to the technical area. There is a new capital gain on the horizon, that of Leoni (1.5 to Sampdoria, but the value of the price tag has already tripled and there is a clause on subsequent resale), which might convince Oughourlian to increase the budget. Furthermore, the Franco-Armenian patron is convinced that, given the good work in terms of valorisation carried out in Serie C, the higher category could give even greater satisfaction in these terms. But to achieve it, investments are needed. Sports director Mirabelli is pushing for Toscano (his annual salary is 180 thousand euros), otherwise we will go for a young profile who has already proven to do well in the category (Andreoletti, Calabro, Donati, even if there is strong support for the latter competition). We can exclude without hesitation that Oughourlian’s choice will not depend on Vicenza’s result in the playoffs (and God forbid…). The press conference on Wednesday (day still to be confirmed, but it should be this one) will only concern CEO Bianchi and president Peghin, who will explain the next corporate choices, while sporting director Mirabelli should not be there, who will talk about technical choices later.


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