Italy 24 Press News

Municipal elections in Veneto, all municipalities voting: live turnout

Venice, 8 June 2024 – Polls open from the afternoon, voting today and tomorrow for the renewal of the European parliament and to choose the city ​​mayors. I am 309 municipalities in Veneto called to elect the municipal council, choosing the man or woman who will administer the territory for the next five years.

Spotlight on three new municipalities established in 2024 in Veneto. These will be the first elections for Saint Catherine of Este (PD, 2,343 voters), Sevenville (BL, 5,781 voters) e Sovizzo (VI, 8,283 voters). And instead Rovigo the only provincial capital struggling with the choice of mayor (50,190 eligible), while the area with the highest number of renewals is that of Vicenzawith 75 Municipalities.

More than half of the Veneto territory – the 55.2% of the Municipalities, out of a total of 560 – will therefore be involved in the 2024 administrative elections, with polls open for two days. But be careful: we are voting Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June (and not as usual, Sunday and Monday). With different times: the polling stations will remain open from 3.00pm to 11.00pm on Saturday and from 7.00 to 23.00 on Sunday. Follow the turnout live by clicking here.

The runoff round will be held Sunday 23 and Monday 24 June: it is expected in cities over 15 thousand inhabitants – they are 24 those from Veneto who will vote – and will be triggered if a clear victory is not achieved.

The electoral law, in fact, provides that the election can take place directly in the first round only if one of the candidates reaches the quota 50%+1 valid votes.

Administrative elections for 309 Municipalitiesof which only 24 above 15 thousand inhabitants. In the voting map, they are there 31 towns in the province of Belluno (all below the 15 thousand threshold), 52 in the area of PaduaCadoneghe, Monselice, They steal And Selvazzano Inside are those subject to the possibility of a run-off – e 32 in the province of Rovigoincluding the capital itself.

TO TrevisoI am 55 Municipalities called to the polls to choose the mayor, but the possible run-off is only foreseen for five cities: Mogliano Veneto, Village, Preganziol And Vittorio Veneto.

Come on 16 Municipalities of Venetianthe largest realities in which people vote are Noal, Portogruaro, Scorzè And Spinea. In the Veronese blue card in 48 reality, including Legnano, Negrar of Valpolicella, Pescantina, Saint Boniface And Valeggio sul Mincio (all over 15 thousand).

With 75 Municipalities to vote, the reality with the largest number of electoral commissions is that of Vicenza. Only five cities could be called to the polls on June 23 and 24: Arzignago, Bassano del Grappa, Cassola, Montecchio Maggiore, Schio And Valdagno.

Come on 32 Municipalities of Polesine – among which Polesella, Eyebello And Lendinara – we also vote for Rovigo.

All voters can vote for the renewal of the city council adultsshowing up at your local polling station with your valid identity document (identity card, driving license or passport) e electoral cardwhich indicates the address of the complex and the number of seat.

The ballot paper for the municipal elections is blue color. On each card there are the names of the various candidates for the office of mayor, supported by symbols of the lists that support it. Next to each symbol, there are lines on which you can write one or more preferences (but it is not mandatory). Attention: in the case of double preference, gender alternation is mandatory: a man and a woman.

How to vote: all the possibilities provided by the electoral law

It is possible to vote in different ways, other variants risk being invalidated. Here’s how to vote:

  • You can draw a mark (better to use an X) on the symbol of a list: the vote goes both to the list and to the connected mayor candidate.
  • You can make a mark on either name of the candidate or of the candidate for mayor and is on one of the symbols linked: vote valid for both, also for the linked list.
  • A sign can be drawn only on the name of the candidate for mayor: in this case the vote goes only to the person voted for and not to the list or related lists.
  • You can draw a sign on the name of the candidate for mayor and on an unrelated symbol: it’s called split vote and preference goes to both the person and the list outside the coalition. Attention: in the Municipalities under 15 thousand inhabitants is not allowed the split vote.

Follow the turnout of your municipality live, by clicking here.

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