Italy 24 Press News

administrative elections

Administrative and European elections are intertwined in the polls in the Arezzo area which open today at 3pm and will remain open until 11pm, when the first turnout data will be announced. The polls will reopen tomorrow morning at 7 am and will remain active until 11 pm. At that point the counting of the pink ballots needed to elect the new European Parliament will begin. The counting of the blue ballots for the elections of mayors and city councilors will begin on Monday 10th at 3pm.

The European elections

In the electoral manifesto that the people of Arezzo will be able to view before entering the booth (and which we attach below) there are 12 lists headed by the symbols of the parties, each list contains 15 names for a total of 180 candidates for the European Parliament. Of these, four are from the province of Arezzo. The mayor of the capital Alessandro Ghinelli which is included in the list of Forza Italia – Noi Moderati, Sergio DeCaprio, better known as Capitano Ultimo who ran with Cateno De Luca’s Libertà list, then there is Francesco Cappelletti the 31-year-old from Casentino who presents himself with the United States of Europe list (LibDem share) which unites various forces: Italia Viva and +Europa, but also LibDem, Psi, Radicali and L’ItaliaC’è. Then there is the lawyer Luciano Spigliantiniprovincial secretary of Arezzo of the Italian Republican Party, included in the PRI quota in the list of the Central Italy constituency of Action, the party founded by Carlo Calenda.

At the polls at 110 years old, 180 candidates: the ballot paper and how to vote for the European elections

The in-depth analysis: The history of the European elections in the province of Arezzo. All results

From Meloni to Santoro, 12 lists and 180 candidates for the European Parliament: all the names

The local elections

There are 26 municipalities voting to elect mayors and their respective municipal councils. 59 the people, between men and women, who have decided to engage in electoral campaigns for the position of mayor, there are over 60 lists supporting them. There is one in 4 municipalities only one candidate for mayor these are Talla (Eleonora Ducci), Castiglion Fibocchi (Marco Ermini), Sestino (Franco Dori) and Ortignano Raggiolo (Emanuele Ceccherini). However, their re-election is not a given because they must win against two quorums established by law. At least 40% of those entitled to vote must go to vote and the candidate mayor’s list must obtain at least 50% of the valid votes.

24 out of 26 municipalities have one population of less than 15 thousand inhabitants, while Cortona and San Giovanni Valdarno exceed this threshold which consequently entails some different electoral rules. In fact, in these two cases it was possible to build coalitions, split voting is permitted and if one of the candidates does not exceed 50% + 1 of the valid votes, the run-off round takes place which is held two weeks later between the two aspiring mayors who have had the highest number of votes. In Cortona there are 5 candidates and 10 lists. In San Giovanni there are 4 aspiring first citizens and 9 lists.

A particular case is also that of Subbiano, a town in the lower Casentino of six thousand souls which has produced, this year too, well 5 candidates for mayor.


Talla – Eleonora Ducci is running alone for the mayoral seat. All the names on the list

Poppi – Two-way race between Toni and Lorenzoni

Chiusi della Verna – It’s a two-way challenge between Tellini and Loddi

Ortignano Raggiolo – Here are the candidates

Bibbiena – Race for mayor between Vagnoli and Rossi. All the names of the candidates on the list

Subbiano – Five for the mayoral seat. The candidates and their lists

Pratovecchio Stia – Three-way challenge between Caleri, Santini and Agostini. All the names of the candidates on the lists

Castelfocognano – Ricci and Vannini will compete for the mayor’s seat. All the names on the lists

Castel San Niccolò – Elections: Fani runs against Fabiani

Chitignano – Female challenge in Chitignano between the outgoing mayor Valentina Calbi and Cinzia Santoni


San Giovanni Valdarno – Elections in San Giovanni Valdarno: 4 aspiring mayors, 9 lists

Bucine – Elections in Bucine: three lists in the field, all the names of the candidates

Loro Ciuffenna – In Loro Ciuffenna it was a three-way race

Terranuova Bracciolini – Chienni against Di Ponte, the names on the list

Castiglion Fibocchi – Elections in Castiglion Fibocchi: only one list in the field, here are the names of the candidates

Castefranco Piandiscò – Two lists, all the names of the candidates

Cavriglia – Degl’Innocenti O Sanni is running again, Butini challenges him


Cortona – 145 names of candidates for the city council for the great electoral challenge of Cortona

Marciano della Chiana – All the names of the candidates for the city council

Lucignano – The lists with all the names for the city council

Foiano della Chiana – All the names of the candidates for the city council

Castiglion Fiorentino – The challenge between Agnelli and Brandi. All list names

Tiber Valley

Monterchi – All the names of the candidates for the city council

Pieve Santo Stefano – All the names of the candidates for the city council

Badia Tedalda – The challenge between Santucci and Barbieri. The two lists for the city council

Sestino – All the names of the candidates for the city council

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