Italy 24 Press News

From Dell’Acqua the first Erasmus+ for adult education in the Legnano area

LEGNANO – First Erasmus+ experience aimed at adult education in the Legnano area. He will introduce her next Friday, June 14, at 8.30 pm at Palazzo Leone da Perego of Legnano (via Gilardelli 10) the “Carlo Dell’Acqua” high school with the patronage of the Municipality of Legnano, Confindustria Alto Milanese And Ticino Olona Community Foundation.

In 2023 the contacts, Paola Meccariello And Barbara Nebulonihave decided to focus on this project, funded by the EUobtaining accreditation until 2027 to carry out activities that encouragestaff training abroad, individual and group educational trips for adult learners with weak qualifications and cooperation projects between different countries to innovate processes, improve the preparation of educators and raise the quality of the training offer.

Scholarships for languages ​​and training

«We are proud to have an Erasmus+ section dedicated to adults offer equal opportunities to all students of the Is Carlo Dell’Acqua – underline the promoters – and with this event we want to ddisseminate the project in our territory». In numbers, the project includes 11 scholarships for teachers (in Dublin) and 84 scholarships for students (in Dublin and Vichy); It is intended for adult learners of all classes (Technical Economic Afm-Sia-Tur, Technological Construction Environment Territory, Graphic and Figurative Art High School) who need to improve their knowledge in different languages foreign countries and to be motivated to continuation of their educational path.

“Disseminate” against school dropout

«We believe that this experience can effectively combat school dropout and promote the achievement of training objectives – explains the curator of the event Barbara Nebuloni – They were those deserving students who have fewer opportunities are involved, so that they can all acquire the dimension of European citizens. The participating teachers, preferably of non-linguistic subjects, with a strong motivation to improve their English language skills, have been selected so that they can use the knowledge acquired in paths and projects dedicated to interculturality and support for lifelong learning. The aim of the Erasmus+ Adu project is to enhance the linguistic skills of adult students in English and French, improving their learning for strengthen employability and career prospects.

«Our target students are made up of migrants, women of all ages, people in economic and social hardship, but not only, as adults who have chosen to undertake a difficult course of study aimed at obtaining a technical or high school diploma. In recent years the number of students of foreign nationality has increased and not all of the students attended school in Italy.”

«Opportunities for cultural and professional growth»

The event, defined as “dissemination” and supported by the equal opportunities councillor Ilaria Maffeiwill involve local authorities, adult training institutions, foundations and local associations. It has as its goal share this example of good practice so that other educational institutions with adult education courses can understand the training and guidance value of these initiatives, encouraging them to apply to obtain financing intended to cover travel, food and accommodation costsand seminars/activities during the stay abroad and at the same time enrich the training offer.

«We trust – concludes Nebuloni – that this event can also be useful for attract the attention of citizens who, for various reasons, have interrupted their studies, offering an opportunity for cultural and professional growth, a laboratory where you can acquire new skills through orientation teaching. The presence of representatives of local institutions and associations as well as the Erasmus+ ambassador will be fundamental Maria Giovanna Colombo».

Legnano adult water education – MALPENSA24

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