Italy 24 Press News

65 candidates for regional councilors in the province, six from Cuneo on the lists – La Guida

There are 65 candidates for the regional council in the Cuneo area for five places that belong to the province based on the inhabitants, in the Piedmont Regional Council. To these will be added the councilors from Cuneo who will automatically enter the quota of the presidential candidate, i.e. in the list of ten names, without preferences. The regional electoral system of Piedmont provides that a part of the seats, up to ten, are allocated with a majority system, thanks to the president’s “list”, and the other forty go to the provincial constituencies based on the legal resident population, in Piedmont according to the general census of 2011: that is, the division is 21 in Turin, 5 in Cuneo, 4 in Alessandria, 3 in Novara, 2 each in Asti, Biella and Vercelli, 1 in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola.

The price lists regional

In the lists of presidents, more properly called regional lists, there are fifty candidates, plus the new addition this year to the alternates which are up to a maximum of four, 18 in total. Of the 50 there are 22 women and 28 men, 49 from Piedmont and one from Lombardy and six from Cuneo. Of the 18 substitutes, 17 are from Piedmont, one from Sardinia and only one from Cuneo. Two appear in the price list of the outgoing president Alberto Cirio: Claudio Sacchettofrom Cuneo, first regional and provincial councilor for agriculture in the League and now passed to Fratelli d’Italia., and the Narzolese Gianna Gancia, Narzole’s outgoing MEP, who uses the price list as a “parachute” if she is not reconfirmed in Europe given the cumbersome presence of Vannacci. Among the alternate reserves is the parliamentarian of Fratelli d’Italia and also mayor of Argentera Monica Ciaburro. Cirio has on its list four councilors from its current council and the leader of the League Alberto Preioni.
Gianna Pentenero’s list includes the former Pd native from Cuneo, former Italia Viva, now regional secretary of Più Europa Flavio Martino,
In the list of Sarah Disabato of the 5 Star Movement there is the already candidate for mayor of Cuneo, former municipal councilor the engineer Silvia Maria China. There are two people from Cuneo on Francesca Frediani’s list Lorenza Ameglioprovincial secretary of Rifondazione Comunista, also on the provincial list of Avs, and former secretary of Rifondazione Alessio Giaccone. No Cuneo in Alberto Costanzo’s list.

The people of Cuneo

Of the 65 candidates in the thirteen lists that must run to gain preferences throughout Granda, 61 are from the province of Cuneo, and four from outside the province. 31 are women and 34 men: women prevail only in the lists for Costanzo and Pentenero (13 against 12 men). Cirio lists 14 men against 11 women. Of the provincial candidates there are 12 from the city of Cuneo: none for the list of Libertà Piemonte for Alberto Costanzo, three for the list of Piemonte Popolare of Francesca Frediani and they are Lorenza Ameglio, Alessio Giaccone And Fabio Locci; one for Sarah Disabato’s 5 Star Movement or Francesco Franco; they are on the list for Cirio Silvia Bertero And Claudia Maria Salomone for the list of Noi Moderati, the city councilor Maria Laura Risso for the Civic List Cirio president; they are on the lists for Pentenero Giulia Marro for the Greens and Left Alliance, Franca Giordano for the Democratic Party, the city councilor Luca Paschiero for the Pentenero President Civic List, Flavio Martino for the United States of Europe, the city councilor Erio Ambrosino for the Piedmont Ecologist and Solidarity Civic List. Another 6 are from the Cuneo area (the mayor of Busca Marco Gallo for the Civic List Cirio president, Enzo Tassone of Peveragno for Fratelli d’Italia, Delia Revelli by Margarita for Forza Italia, Marco Giusta by Boves for the Greens and Left Alliance, Olena Teteryatnyk of Centallo for the United States of Europe and Silvia Gollè of Busca for the Piedmont Ecologist and Solidarity Civic List) plus 4 of Borgo San Dalmazzo (Diego Perona for the 5 Stars, Katia Manassero for the League, Luisa Giorda for the Pentenero Civic List President e Luca Bellini for the Piedmont Ecologist and Solidarity Civic List); 5 are from Alba and 4 from Bra and another 7 from Langhe and Roero; 5 are from Fossano and another 3 from the Fossano area; 3 are from Saluzzo and two others from the Saluzzo area; 2 from Savigliano and 2 from the Savigliano area; only one from Mondovì but four others from the Monregalese area.

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