Italy 24 Press News

Sticchi Damiani and Corvino define the Lecce market with Gotti mister

From left: Pres. Sticchi Damiani, the director Pantaleo Corvino, the coach Luca Gotti, and the director Trinchera

The Lecce market can be said to be starting. The meeting scheduled between the president Sticchi Damiani and the two managers Corvino (technical director) and Trinchera (sports director) took place in these hours in Milan in which the boundaries of maneuver were first delimited, establishing the budget available to the directors for the conduct of the market, but not only. It wasn’t a purely numerical discussion, but we also went into the merits of carrying out a session that appears vital for the Giallorossi’s future. Both incoming and outgoing. In fact, since Sticchi Damiani has been in Lecce, this is the first transfer session where Lecce has so many jewels on display. And the 2024 European Championship also gives a big hand, if we think that Pongracic, Ramadani and Berisha are among those called up. There are many others from Lecce in the orbit of the national teams, even minor ones.

The coach

The first discussion to be addressed, however, is that relating to the coach. Luca Gotti is linked to Lecce, thanks to the achievement of salvation, automatically until June 2025. Therefore the relationship will almost certainly continue, as announced by president Sticchi Damiani during an interview with a local broadcaster. On the other hand, Gotti experienced a great season finale, in which he entered the hearts of the fans and was appreciated by the club. On the other hand, the club has all the respect of the coach who declared that he had worked well and also said that he was sorry for not having been able to enjoy Salento sufficiently. This, obviously, until the end of the championship. Now, we are sure, this gap has been resolved.


There are many names circulating at the moment as possible acquisitions. The first should be Pierret, already optioned at no cost during the winter transfer market. The Dutchman De Wit can also be purchased at no cost because his contract is expiring. Obviously, others are circulating at the same time. But the one who seems to be gaining ground is the left wing Kabadayi of Bayern Munich, twenty years old, this year on loan in Bundesliga 2. Meanwhile, the renewal of the third goalkeeper Borbei has arrived in recent days, who is tied to Lecce until June 2028 .


There are also rumors about his exit, but as mentioned, many Lecce players are being looked at by big teams, including foreign leagues. In fact, there is talk of Liverpool’s interest in Dorgu, which adds to that of Roma, Lazio, Naples, Atalanta, Juventus and Milan. It is certainly the most sought after name at the moment, but not the only one. For Krstovic, in fact, Fiorentina would have stepped forward. The price set by Lecce would be between 8 and 10 million euros. The Croatian Pongracic is another one who has a good market and is under the magnifying glass of many teams. To be resolved, then, is the issue of Maleh, who returns from Empoli after being saved at the last minute, but whose future is still unclear. In fact, the Tuscans would have to pay out 5 million to redeem him, which seems like a lot.

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