Italy 24 Press News

Reduction in interest rates, Cna Pesaro: «Too little, risk of stagnation» – News Pesaro – CentroPagina

Claudio Tarsi, director of Cna Pesaro

PESARO – La European Central Bank has decided to lower the interest rate by a quarter of a point, for the Cna Pesaro Urbino is not enough to help families and businesses.

«A lot of waiting for nothing or almost nothing. Interest rates are falling but still insufficiently compared to the needs of citizens and businesses – underlines the director of Cna of Pesaro and Urbino, Claudio Tarsi – The provision is positive – he adds – but it is still a largely insufficient measure. Cna therefore hopes that it is only a first step: now the ECB must continue the process of decreasing rates in a robust and rapid manner”.

According to Cna «The biggest problem that Italy finds itself facing is no longer inflation (which has fallen to European minimums), but the risk of stagnation economic, as demonstrated by the drop in value and volume of consumption recorded by Istat”.

«Now the Cna – adds Tarsi – asks the Italian banks to immediately adapt to the ECB’s decisions, avoiding the tightening that continues to cause suffer in particular artisans and small businesses, also in our province. The risk we run is of seeing the competitiveness of businesses definitively compromised and consequently Italy’s ability to grow at percentages above one percent. Christine Lagarde’s ECB policy of rigidity is not helping our businesses at all, especially those that have taken out mortgages and financing. This is why we hope for further and more decisive reductions in interest rates.”

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