Italy 24 Press News

Partying in the name of Legality and Solidarity in Orta Nova

“The courage not to be silent”: this is the title chosen for the second edition of “An Evening of Legality and Solidarity”, promoted and created by the young people of the four Parish Communities of Orta Nova in collaboration with the Patronal Festival Committee of Sant’Antonio da Padua and with the patronage of the Diocese of Cerignola-Ascoli Satriano.

The event, entirely dedicated to education on legality and social commitment against the mafia, will take place on 12 June 2024 at 8.30 pm, during the three days of celebrations in honor of the Patron Saint of Orta Nova, and will be characterized, this year, from the interventions of Don Maurizio Patriciello (priest and parish priest of the church of San Paolo di Caivano) and Dr. Antonio Laronga (Deputy Public Prosecutor of the Court of Foggia), moderated by the journalist Dr. Luca Maria Pernice in the presence of the Prefect of Foggia, Dr. Maurizio Valiante, the Bishop of the Diocese of Cerignola-Ascoli Satriano, HE Mons. Fabio Ciollaro, and the Police Commissioner of Foggia, Dr. Ferdinando Rossi.

The initiative continues to train the civil conscience of citizens of any age to reject any form of illegality precisely on the days in which the entire community of Orto and the five royal sites gathers for the celebrations of the patron saint Antonio da Padova, the Saint who made the fight against violence, abuse and usury his Christian life.

A unique opportunity for the community of Orta Nova, placed under commissionership after the dissolution of the organization due to phenomena of mafia-type conditioning and infiltration, to understand the ANTI-MAFIA OF FACTS directly from the words of its protagonists, a judge and a priest, who day after day they fight against the mafia, local crime, school dropouts and juvenile deviance.

On this occasion, the young people will present the “Sant’Antonio Award for Legality and Solidarity” to Don Maurizio Patriciello who, with his life testimony, was able to say «No!» to illegality, abuse and mafias just like Brother Antonio who, with the strength of the Gospel, defended the orphan, the widow, the poor and the least against the violent and sick power of the usurer and the tyrant, even at the risk of his own life.

The initiative will take place in Piazza Aldo Moro (in front of the Mother Church) in Orta Nova.

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