Italy 24 Press News

The new provincial council of Confcommercio Ragusa has been installed

“We want to set our organization in a completely new direction. We have a great responsibility. And we must ensure that this responsibility turns into a stimulus to encourage local growth. We have tried and succeeded, over the last five years, in establishing relationships with local institutions, a circumstance which has allowed us to highlight our point of view. We have developed paths linked to urban generation. We interfaced with the municipal administrations to try to prepare beneficial initiatives for our members and, more generally, to achieve development”. This was said by the reconfirmed provincial president of Confcommercio Ragusa, Gianluca Manenti, at the meeting to establish the new provincial council elected in recent days. The body is made up of the vice-presidents Salvatore Guastella, Rosamaria Chiaramonte and Giorgio Moncada (respectively for the districts of Vittoria, Ragusa and Modica), the administrator Salvatore Barrera and the members Gregorio Lenzo, Carlotta Schininà, Alessandro Palladino, Pierpaolo Carpenzano, Valentina Carpanzano , Daniele Russino and Orazio Nannaro. Supporting the work is the provincial manager Corrado Lupo.
“We have consolidated – Manenti then said – the relationship with the confederation at a regional level where, among other things, the process of joining companies in the private healthcare sector has been started, a process that will have important repercussions, shortly, also at the territorial level. We must start again with the courage and determination that distinguishes us and which has always given us the strength to overcome the uncertainties, emergencies and challenges that arise before us. As an association operating in the province of Ragusa, due to our territorial conformation, we wanted to bet above all on one aspect, that which concerns the Mediterranean which today remains and continues to be a singularity, a model. A model which, unfortunately, remains marked by fractures, by an immigration phenomenon unprecedented in the history of Europe. We are faced with a sea that expresses the experience of new collective fears. But, above all, we have a “Great Sea” which, today, suffers from a significant planning void. And it is on this void that, on the basis of the directions that Confcommercio Sicilia is providing, we have intervened after having signed a memorandum of understanding with the friends of Mtf who make the Mediterranean brand their primary activity. And together with them we have the ambition to bring this brand all over the world and with them we will give a strong boost to the entire market services sector that gravitates around the Mediterranean. Therefore, enormous potential in all sectors, both traditional and emerging. Enormous potential that it has been possible to highlight in some way in all the activities that, despite a thousand difficulties, we have always managed to complete. We have done our part and we will continue to do so with great determination and courage, while also asking politicians to do their part.” Next week, during a new council meeting, president Manenti will be responsible for distributing delegations to the various members of the body.


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