Italy 24 Press News

100 years with the mayor. The party for Marcella organized by the condominium

Mrs. Marcella turns 100 and her condominium organizes an unexpected party for her in the presence of the mayor of Ancona, Daniele Silvetti. Marcella Radicioni was born on 6 June 1924 and the day before yesterday therefore she crossed the finish line of the first hundred years of her life, celebrated among loved ones at the Moldavia pastry bar. The location is absolutely not accidental given that the holders live in the same condominium as the centenary of Ancona and therefore participated with great pleasure in this surprise: “Really a nice surprise _ they had the opportunity to remember Mrs. Radicioni, who had never been so excited, in the presence also from councilor Francesca Bonfigli _, I didn’t expect such an important person as Mayor Silvetti to come to my party, an extraordinary presence”. The Doric centenarian was born on 6 June 1924 in Ancona, she was never married and she had no children. She had a brother, Raffaele, who passed away six years ago, he was married and without children. Marcella Radicioni still lives and sleeps alone despite her age, only in the afternoon does a lady join her who helps her with household chores or accompanies her on errands, shopping or going to the doctor. All this is possible because her identity card does not mean that Mrs. Marcella has limited her lucidity and her mobility. A story, hers, that starts from afar, during her school days.

After primary school and middle school she graduated from the Teacher’s Institute and subsequently began working at Singer as an accountant immediately after the war.

When Singer closed all its local offices, concentrating them on Milan, she managed to find work at Angelini Farmaceutici, still as an accountant, and remained working there until her retirement in the early 1980s. She lived in Ancona until the earthquake of 1972, then like many people from Ancona, together with her mother, she moved to Porto Recanati and then returned to Ancona with the death of her mother, going to live in an apartment adjacent to that of her brother . She has always loved painting on fabric (now she doesn’t do it anymore) and as a child she played the piano. She still loves classical music and the opera she watches on Rai 5. She doesn’t like to talk about her past because it was very painful: “The The idea for the party was born during breakfast between Marcella and me at Moldavia” is the comment of the neighbor who organized everything.

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