Italy 24 Press News

The real-time vote on the elections on Radio Corriere dell’Umbria – Corriere dell’Umbria

Radio Corriere dell’Umbria will follow the voting operations live European elections and of administrative.
It will be one long marathon which will begin at 11.30pm Sunday 9 to end at 2am Tuesday 11 June, when the results of the municipal elections will have already taken a turn. It’s the first, important live event of Radio Corriere dell’Umbriawhich you can listen to in Dab and also streaming through the player on the site The journalist will host the program Paola Costantini which, in addition to providing study updates on the voting operations of the European and administrative elections, will connect with the central editorial team of the Courierprimarily with the director Sergio Casagrande, to keep an eye on the situation and with correspondents from the various territories where voting is taking place. During the more than 24 hours of live broadcast, the protagonists, the candidates, will have the floor to comment on the projections and results in real time. This marathon will actually open the programming of Radio Corriere dell’Umbria which is preparing to offer listeners other programmes, columns and podcasts for a schedule that will grow over time. Sunday 9therefore, we start at 11.30pm when the ballots will begin to be counted in the polling stations to elect the new European parliamentarians. The microphones of Radio Corriere dell’Umbria they will immediately collect reactions from the party headquarters and in particular from the candidates while they await the outcome of the count. This first part of the electoral marathon with focus on the European elections will be followed by that which concerns the votes for the local elections: in Umbria there are 60 municipalities that will elect the new mayors. During the marathon, space will be given to connections, as well as with the central editorial office of the Corriereeven from electoral offices of the candidates. In particular from Perugia, Foligno, Orvieto And Gubbio, the largest cities where voting is held. The long live broadcast will therefore end around 2am Tuesday 11or when it is presumed that the verdicts.

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