Italy 24 Press News

The ateliers open the doors of art. The city shows off its jewels

Baptism participated in Piazza Duomo for the tenth edition of Carrara Studi Aperti which opened yesterday in Piazza Duomo. As per tradition, yesterday afternoon the stage was set up, accompanied by musical accompaniment, on which the new edition of the eagerly awaited mostardi arte which attracts a large audience every year was presented.

The city will open the doors of its workshops from today and throughout the weekend, ensuring visitors can experience art in the round. Local artists, craftsmen and craftsmen will open their laboratories for their daily activities, where color and matter blend to give life to art productions. Everything is coordinated and organized by the non-profit association APS ‘Oltre’ which signs the event every year. On the stage for Aps Oltre, Juan Carlos Allende opened the greetings, very excited, with a genuine speech on the importance of art for the DNA of this city.

“Giving value to creativity is important – said Juan – and we would like anyone who comes to the city to be surprised by the beauty. Culture, beauty and art are the reference words and without presumption, without taking anything away, we believe that inequality, poverty and ignorance are not the correct path. Sowing empathy is important for the future and for the community. This event not only requires the effort of the artists, but a 360-degree commitment is needed. An event, as told several times on stage, which with each passing edition is gaining more and more credibility even in the artistic community.

“Those who work in art – added Marco Pedri – know that Studi Aperti is becoming something to be proposed at a national and international level”. Also on stage were the mayor Serena Arrighi, the councilor for culture Gea Dazzi and the CGIL secretary Nicola Del Vecchio. “This event embodies the truest and most authentic soul of Carrara – added the mayor Arrighi – and Studi Aperti is an extraordinary way to see up close and get to know that capillary fabric of laboratories, ateliers, art shops which for centuries have been the beating heart of our city. If Carrara is a UNESCO creative city for art and craftsmanship, the credit goes precisely to these realities where not only is experimentation, innovation and research carried out on a daily basis, but ancient knowledge is passed down and traditions. Thanks to Aps Oltre, to the artists involved, to our Culture sector offices and to all those who collaborated because this year too they managed to organize a rich and intense three days during which we will all have the opportunity to discover our city with different eyes”.

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