Italy 24 Press News

Here are the lists and candidates of the 255 municipalities voting

There are 122 municipalities in the province of Pavia in which today and tomorrow we will vote to renew the civic administrations. The largest, also the only one with more than 15 thousand inhabitants in which if none of the candidates obtained 51% of the votes, it would go to ballot, is the capital. They will be 60,499 voters from Pavia called to vote who can choose between five mayoral candidates. The centre-right, which is not nominating the Northern League member Mario Fabrizio Fracassi for re-election, is aiming higher Alessandro Cantoni, former councilor for education and then regional councilor. Supporting Cantoni, a “civic” candidate, is the coalition made up of Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia and two civic lists.

Its main rival is Michele Lissia, candidate supported by the centre-left. Lissia, a business manager registered with the Democratic Party, can count on the support of 8 lists: Pd, Avs, Italia Viva, Azione, M5S, and three civic ones. Three exponents of the far left are also candidates: Francesco Grisolia (Communist Workers Party), Paolo Walter Cattaneo (Communist Refoundation) e Francesco Signorelli (Power to the People). In addition to that of the capital, the administrations of Albuzzano, Belgioioso, Bereguardo, Bascapè, Battuda, Bornasco, Carbonara al Ticino, Casorate Primo, Cava Manara, Ceranova Certosa di Pavia, Chignolo Po, Copiano, Cura Carpignano, Gerenzago will also have to be renewed in the Pavia area , Inverno and Monteleone, Landriano, Linarolo, Marcignago, Pieve Porto Morone, Roncaro, San Martino Siccomario, Sant’Alessio with Vialone, Santa Cristina and Bissone, Torre d’Arese, Torre de’ Negri, Torre d’Isola, Siziano, Travacò Siccomario, Trovo, Valle Salimbene, Villanova D’Ardenghi, Villanterio Zeccone, Zinasco. In Lomellina the following will vote: Albonese, Candia Lomellina, Cassolnovo, Cergnago, Castelnovetto, Cilavegna, Dorno, Ferrera Erbognone, Filighera, Galliavola, Langosco, Lomello, Olevano, Ottobiano, Palestro, Parona, Pieve Albignola, Robbio, Rosasco, San Gioegio di Lomellina, Sartirana Lomellina, Scaldasole, Semiana, Torre Beretti and Casstellaro, Tromello, Valeggio, Verretto, Vellezzo Lomellina, Villa Bicossi, Zeme and Zerbolò. And in Oltrepò Arena Po, Bagnaria, Barbianello, Borgo Priolo, Borgoratto Mormorolo, Bressana Bottarone, Campospinoso, Canneto Pavese, Casanova Lonati, Casatisma, Casei Gerola, Castana, Casteggio, Cecima, Cervesina, Cigognola, Codevilla. Colli Verdi, Corana, Corvino San Quirico, Fortunago, Golferenzo, Lirio. Lungavilla, Menconico, Montalto Pavese, Montescano, Montescano, Mornico Losana, Oliva Gessi, Pancarana, Pietra de’ Giorgi, Ponte Nizza, Robecco Pavese, Rea, Redavalle, Retorbido, Rocca de’ Giorgi, Rocca Susella, Romagnese, Santa Giuletta, Santa Margherita Staffora, Santa Maria della Versa, San Zenone al Po, Spessa, Stradella, Varzi, Volpara, Zavattarello.

TO Cremona it will be a six-way match. No wide field for the centre-left of the outgoing mayor Gianluca Galimberti: the Democratic Party, together with two civic lists and Sinistra per Cremona Civil Energy, supports Andrew Virgil, deputy mayor in the last legislature. The M5s, however, supports Paola Tacchini with the support also of Cremona Cambia Musica. The centre-right candidate is Alessandro Portesani, supported by Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega, Udc, Noi Moderati, Pli, Pensionati and by the civic Novità a Cremona. The other aspiring mayors are Maria Vittoria Ceraso (civic Today for Tomorrow), Angelo Frigoli (Communist Alternative) e Ferruccio Giovetti (Civic Safety and Common Sense). Overall, there are 86 municipalities voting in the province (31 from Crema and 55 from Cremona), 35 with a single list and 50 with multiple lists. Madignano has four. San Daniele Po, however, is without a list. A delegate from the prefect will arrive in place of the mayor and new elections will take place in six months.

In the province of Praises they will have to be renewed 47 municipalities. Casalpusterlengo it is the only one at risk of a run-off (22-23 June). Also voting: Abbadia Cerreto, Bertonico, Boffalora d’Adda, Casaletto Lodigiano, Casalmaiocco, Caselle Landi, Caselle Lurani, Castelnuovo Bocca d’Adda, Castiraga Vidardo, Cervignano d’Adda, Comazzo, Cornegliano Laudense, Corno Giovine, Cornovecchio, Corte Palasio, Crespiativa, Fombio, Galgagnano, Graffignana, Livraga Lodi Vecchio, Maccastorna, Mairago, Maleo, Marudo, Meleti, Montanaso Lombardo, Mulazzano, Orio Litta, Ospedaletto Lodigiano, Ossago Lodigiano, Pieve Fissiraga, Salerano sul Lambro, San Fiorano, San Martino in Strada, Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, Secugnago, Senna Lodigiana, Somaglia, Tavazzano con Villavesco, Terranova dei Passerini, Villanova del Sillaro and Zelo Buon Persico. Palasio Courtinstead, it will go to the vote on Sunday 28th and Monday 29th July.

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