Italy 24 Press News

Stolen of digital identity: his data used for online scams – Teramo

TERAMO. Digital identity theft is one of the most recurring dangers in the online age. In recent times, crimes of this type have increased exponentially, leading to a significant increase in attention on a topic that is not always fully understood by web users. As happened to a forty-year-old from Teramo who realized that he had been robbed of his data and digital identity – subsequently used to carry out online scams – at the end of a period of work obtained during the pandemic.
The job consisted of receiving packages containing various types of products at one’s home, checking the condition of the packaging and products, photographing the closed package, the packaging, redoing the package and sending it back via courier. All communications took place through transactions made on an online platform, including the one for hiring. In this way, according to what was reported to the man via email, the alleged employer would have saved on shipping taxes and would have been sure of receiving the goods in an adequate condition. When the salary was paid, after the first month of activity, the money did not arrive, the addresses and the online platform disappeared and the packages were no longer sent. At this point the man, assisted by the lawyer Maximus Tiberius, filed a complaint with the opening of an investigation by the District Attorney’s Office of L’Aquila responsible for computer crimes. A threat, that of identity theft, is much more widespread than the internet user can imagine. Because large-scale attacks by cybercriminals who enter international servers and hoard users’ personal data are increasingly frequent. Systems that are added to the more classic techniques, “phishing” or “malware” used by criminals to steal data from PCs or cell phones.

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