Italy 24 Press News

Simultaneous rallies at the Lido The outgoing mayor closes the country – Teramo

GIULIANOVA. The electoral campaign for the municipal elections of Giulianova ends today, with the four mayoral candidates ready to conclude their appeals to vote, with rallies in various squares of the city. Yesterday morning, in the Municipality, the draw was carried out for the closing order of the campaigns: Jwan Costantinioutgoing mayor and leader of the broad centre-right coalition, will hold his final event in Piazza Buozzi, in the country, starting from 8pm with the presence of the President of the Region Marcus Marsilio. The evening will be followed by an aperitif and a concert by Maelisando, Pink Tape and the deejay set by Fabrizio Neri And Roberto Battaglia.
At 9pm, the Lido will host two events at the same time: in Piazza Fosse Ardeatine Alberta Ortolani, candidate for the office of mayor for the center-left coalition that includes Citizen Governante, two civic lists, the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement, will hold her final rally. At the same time, in Piazza del Mare, you will conclude your electoral campaign Daniele Di Massimantoniocandidate of the left wing made up of the Nos-Noi and Coltura Politica lists, close to the Popular Union, the Italian Left and the Socialists.
Romolo Lanciotticandidate of the civic pole with the Giulia Unita and Insider lists, has instead chosen to address voters via a live streaming, during which he will launch his appeal to vote.
The electoral campaign was anything but calm, characterized by heated tones and verbal clashes. The last public meeting at Villa Pozzoni was particularly lively, where the debate saw strong tensions and accusations directed at the incumbent mayor, Jwan Costantini, by the other three aspirants to the position of mayor. The outgoing mayor left the stage at the end of the confrontation, complaining about a “lack of institutional respect” on the part of his competitors and declaring that “there were three against one”.
Meanwhile, the municipal administration, having reached the end of its mandate, has announced that within less than a year, Giulianova will have a new cinema, with adjoining stalls and gallery, and a theatre, equipped with a curtain, dressing rooms and stage equipment. The location, already identified, is the Kursaal, which is located right in the center of the Lido. The funds for the construction come from the agreement with the former Sadam property, where, as an alternative, a mega private room was planned.

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