Italy 24 Press News

Barletta weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 9 June


The forecast for Sunday 9 June a Barletta provide variable conditions throughout the day. The morning will show up with scattered clouds and cloud cover that will vary from 12% to 63%. Temperatures will fluctuate between 27.3°C and 30.3°C, with a slightly higher perception of heat. The wind will blow mainly from East – North East with intensity between i 2.4km/h and 18.8km/h. Humidity will be maintained around the 40-45% and the atmospheric pressure will be stable around 1010hPa.

In the afternoon the weather conditions will tend to worsen slightly, with an increase in cloud cover lasting until 68%. Maximum temperatures will be around 31.6°Cwith a perception of heat that could exceed 32°C. The wind will still be coming from Eastbut with a decrease in intensity, which will remain around 5.8km/h. Humidity will increase slightly until 50%.

During the evening and night, the sky will be covered with cloud cover reaching the 100%. Temperatures will remain around 27-28°Cwith winds that will increase in intensity coming from West and gusts that could exceed 30km/h. Humidity will settle around the 50-53%.

Based on the weather forecast for the next few days a Barlettait is advisable to pay attention to changes in weather conditions and keep an eye on weather updates to better plan outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Sunday 9 June in Barletta

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