Italy 24 Press News

Reggio Calabria, “The pond of water lilies” presented

Two matinees and an evening event for the year-end show of Ite Piria Ferraris From Empoli. “A widespread work carried out during the school year whose intrinsic value includes the externalization of the interiority of our children” declared the school director, lawyer. Anna Rita Gallettawho wanted and strongly believed in this show.

I am satisfied with the synergistic work carried out by the school community, and in particular by the teachers who took care of the theatrical action and above all the human and cultural growth of the students”. The activities were coordinated by the instrumental function professor Licia Amodeo in collaboration with the teachers of the artistic commission prof. sse Marianna Errigo, Annamaria Esposito And Luciana Siviglia.

The water lily pond” was born from the need of young people to tell their story, to present themselves with their contradictions, their fragilities and their strengths. Adolescents in transition between childhood and adulthood, who offer the kaleidoscope of emotions that distinguishes them.

The title of the show takes up that of Monet’s painting because, as Professor Amodeo underlined “the artist presents an expanse of water lilies which, like our kids often, all look the same but if you look at them closely… each is unique in shape and shade of color, just like them“.

22 the Boys involved in artistic project who performed, offering a participating and excited audience the arts they experienced together during the school year, images, dance, music and words, dragging them into a vortex of emotions. Anxieties, fears, generational conflict, traditional and broken families, falling in love, restlessness and discomfort, friendship, the value of traditions and the teachings of grandparents, light-heartedness and joy, the themes proposed with exuberant vigor and touching delicacy by a group of very young actors, singers, musicians, dancers and videomakers who bring a clear message of hope and love for life…

These project activities, promoted by the school and always supported by the Institute Council, raise the overall value of a school, our school, in which we know how to recognize ourselves and whose objective is always that of a complete action on our students.” -Commented the manager invited on stage at the end of the show for the final greetings. – “Thanks to the teachers because they manage to create stimulating, human and above all inclusive learning environments. Thanks to the true protagonists of our educational action, the students, for the emotions, feelings and energies they transmit to us and above all for always giving us the desire to do and move forward and to reach our true goal, namely the complete education of the children”.

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