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The candidates for the 2024 European elections, from the manga enthusiast to Giolitti’s great-granddaughter. The complete list of big names and surprises

Rome, 7 June 2024 – The Charge of the 743 candidates at European elections 2024. On 8 and 9 June we will vote to elect the new European Parliament: there are five constituencies in Italy and almost all the parties – as well as internal candidates – have placed some profile to attract the attention of voters. And so from the 93 year old journalist, through the microchip Big Brother theorist, to Giolitti’s great-granddaughter there is a bit of everything. In general, only less than one candidate in ten is under 35, while gender equality (with small deviations) is respected by all lists. But let’s see in detail five of the big names and surprises for each lineup. Here is the complete list of candidates for the 2024 European elections.

Joseph Splendido’s electoral cartoon


Giorgia Meloni Candidate in all constituencies, the prime minister obviously will not go to Europe even if she were to be elected.

Giovanni Crosetto Candidate in the North West, he is the nephew of the Minister of Defense. He is currently a city councilor in Turin. He defined the commemorations of Acca Larentia with the Roman greetings as “not worthy of a democratic state”

Giovanna Giolitti Candidate in the North West, she is the great-granddaughter of the historic Prime Minister. The decision to run with FdI split her family: “A choice incompatible with our values”

Elena Donazzan Candidate in the North East, over the years she has stood out for a series of controversial statements. The last one? “Mixed marriages? They promote terrorism.”

Vittorio Sgarbi Candidate in the South, the art critic, if elected, would return to Europe after the experience of 1999. His goat tour has warmed up social media, he is convinced that in his constituency he will get more votes than General Roberto Vannacci.

Learn more:

Sample European election card 2024: voting simulations for the constituencies

Roberto Vannacci Candidate in all constituencies, the general is the face on which the entire Northern League has placed its bets. The controversial statements, considered by many to be homophones, and the repeated references to the X Mas have attracted criticism from the opposition, but also from European allies.

Angelo Ciocca Candidate for the North West, the electoral song “Scrivi Ciocca e Vota Lega”, with accompanying choreography of dancers, hit the web. He defined himself as the Brad Pitt of politics.

Alessandro Manera Candidate in the North East, the deputy mayor of Treviso is part of the handful of six of the Venetian League.

Susanna Ceccardi Candidate for the Centre, seeks reconfirmation in Strasbourg. Her electoral posters “Ilaria Salis or me” “Elly Schelin or me” “Lucia Annunziata or me” caused a lot of discussion.

Joseph Gorgeous Candidate for the South, he created a cartoon whose main character is Super Splendido: a muscular hero who fights the follies (in his opinion) of the European Parliament

Learn more:

How the European Parliament works and what is the salary of an MEP

Antonio Tajani Candidate in all constituencies (except in the Islands), the deputy prime minister and foreign minister will not leave his institutional position if elected.

Letizia Moratti Candidate for the North West, despite the choice to run for the (was) Third Pole in the last regional elections in Lombardy. Formerly president of Rai and minister of education, you were mayor of Milan from 2006 to 2011.

Roberto Cota Candidate for the North West, the former governor of Piedmont was definitively convicted in the trial on the so-called Rimborsopoli in Regione. The famous “green underpants” (purchased, according to the prosecution, with public money) still haunt him today.

Flavio Tosi Candidate in the North East, the former mayor of Verona is also considered the right man to steal votes from the majority allies of the League.

Alessandra Mussolini Candidate for the Center and the South, Benito’s niece is seeking a fourth consecutive mandate in Europe. Over the years, her positions on the LGBTQ+ community have softened a lot, to the point of embracing its cause.

Elly Schlein Candidate in the Center and in the Islands, the dem secretary has already made it known that she will not leave for Strasbourg if she is elected.

Cecilia Strada Candidate in the North West, she is the daughter of Gino, the founder of Emergency. Her positions on Ukraine (“Stop sending weapons to Kiev”) are on a collision course with those of the clear majority in the party.

Stefano Bonaccini Candidate in the North East, the governor of Emilia-Romagna is the leader of Energia Popolare, the most influential minority current within the Democratic Party.

Marcus Tarquinius Candidate in the Center, he ended up in the crosshairs of critics for his positions on Ukraine and NATO, which according to the former director of Avvenire it is time to dissolve.

Lucia Annunziata Candidate in the South, the passionate journalist has long denied any interest in running for office, only to then suddenly backtrack.

Sabrina Pignedoli Candidate for the North East, the former QN-Il Resto del Carlino journalist ended up in the sights of the ‘Ndrangheta for her investigations into the infiltration of gangs in the Reggio Emilia area. Look for reconfirmation

Paolo Bernini Candidate for the North East, the former deputy hit the headlines for his bizarre theory on microchips: “In America they have started injecting them to control the population.”

Giacomo Zattini Candidate for the North East, he is the spokesperson for Fridays For Future Italia, the local branch of the environmental organization founded by Greta Thunberg.

Pasquale Tridico Candidate for the South, the former INPS president is a university professor of Economics at Roma Tre University.

Carolina Morace Candidate for the Centre, she was for many years the leading representative of the women’s national football team. Her electoral advert in which she dribbles with Conte has gone around the web

Ilaria Salis Candidate in the North West and in the Islands, the activist currently on trial in Hungary for having attacked a group of neo-Nazis, was defined as a “flagship candidate” by the party leaders themselves.

Ignazio Marino Candidate in the North West and in the Centre, the world-famous surgeon and former mayor of Rome had been forced to resign after the outbreak of the Capitoline Rimborsopoli, of which he was acquitted in Cassation.

Mimmo Lucano Candidate in all constituencies except the Centre, the former mayor of Riace is considered by many to be a symbol of integration and welcome due to his pro-immigration battles. He too ended up at the center of some investigations: in 2023 he was convicted on appeal for forgery of a public document.

Leoluca Orlando Candidate in the Islands, the former mayor of Palermo has already been in the European Parliament between 1994 and 1999. He left the Democratic Party in April this year, precisely to join Avs.

Suad Omar Sheikh Esahq Candidate for the North West, she is a Somali activist and former city councilor in Turin.

Carlo Calenda Candidate in all constituencies, the leader of Action will measure his approval especially in the Centre, where the former ally of the Third Pole, Matteo Renzi, and the radical Emma Bonino are also running.

Cuno Jakob Tarfusser Candidate in the North West, he is the deputy prosecutor of the Milan Court of Appeal who reopened the case on the Erba massacre.

Giuseppe Zollino Candidate in the North West, he is a professor at the University of Padua and an expert in nuclear energy.

Elena Bonetti Candidate in all constituencies, she recently said that she discovered that she had been appointed Minister of Equal Opportunities by Mario Draghi directly from television.

Marcello Pittella Candidate in the South, he is the former president of the Basilicata Region. In 2018 he was involved (and then acquitted) in the so-called Lucanian Sanitopoli.

Emma Bonino Candidate in the North West and in the Centre, the radical party flag will try to return to Europe for the third time.

Matteo Renzi Candidate in all constituencies except the North East, the former Prime Minister has said he will leave the Italian Parliament if he is elected.

Aurora Pezzuto Candidate in the North East, the video in which she explained Sue’s position using the very famous Naruto manga and anime as a yardstick gave her some popularity and just as much criticism.

Graham Watson Candidate in the North East, the historic British Lib Dem MEP born in Scotland ran with Sue, after becoming an Italian citizen (his wife is Florentine).

Sandra Mastella Candidate in the South, the wife of the legendary Clemente (former Minister of Justice) is in the Noi di Centro quota.

Cateno De Luca Candidate in all constituencies, the mayor of Taormina managed to put together 19 groups to try to break through the 4% threshold.

Laura Castelli Candidate in all constituencies, she is the president of De Luca’s party. She was elected with the M5s in 2013, she had followed Di Maio’s splinter groups, before settling with South calls North.

Sergio DeCaprio Candidate in the North West, in the Center and in the South, he is known throughout Italy for being the Last Captain, the man who managed to arrest Totò Riina. For these elections he decided to reveal his face, after keeping it hidden for 30 years

Sara Cunial Candidate in the North West and North East, she is the flag of the most extremist anti-vaxers. Her performances to stop the expansion of 5G (according to her, also a possible carrier of Covid) have also earned her several supporters.

Marco Mori Candidate in the North West, the lawyer has never hidden his anti-European Union positions.

Michele Santoro Candidate in the North East, the Center and the South, the fiery television journalist has made a name for himself in recent months for his positions considered pro-Putinian by his critics.

Vauro Senesi Candidate in the Center, since 2020 the famous cartoonist has openly spoken out against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the sending of weapons to Kiev.

Paolo Rossi Candidate in the North East, the comedian said he wanted to do something for peace. The idea of ​​him? Give the Nobel to Putin and Zelensky.

Benedetta Sabene Candidate in the North East, Center and South, the 28 year old writer wants peace in Ukraine. For her, Europe is too concentrated on pro-NATO and American positions.

Raniero Luigi La Valle Candidate in the North East, the Center and the South, the 93 year old journalist is a former communist. He too would like an end to the conflict in Ukraine and a stop to the sending of weapons to Kiev.

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