Italy 24 Press News

The final speech to Mager: «The best team with me»

Sanremo. Closing of the campaign for the mayoral candidate of the civic coalition for Sanremo Alessandro Mager. The lawyer at the head of the Anima, Forum, Idea and Sanremo al Centro lists “harangued” the very large audience in Piazza Borea d’Olmo with his final speech before the vote. Present the outgoing mayor, Alberto Biancherithe 96 coalition candidates and several hundred people.

«The question I have been asked most frequently in the last hour is: “Are you charged?”. Yes, I’m very excited”, – began the mayoral candidate -. «I have always been excited since I decided to run, and I haven’t given up an inch. I faced the electoral campaign with great determination, and it was a very strong experience also from a human point of view. I had the opportunity to meet many people in bars and around the city, discovering places in Sanremo where I had never been. I appreciated the spontaneity with which the people of Sanremo approached me and I took advantage of everything that was told to me. I’m not a person who lets things fall by the wayside: I have the requests of the Sanremo people within me».

«Sanremo is a wonderful city – continued Mager -, rich in professionalism, entrepreneurs and, above all, humanity. I met many people involved in volunteering and culture. I now know and strongly appreciate these realities. We will try to be close to all those who help people in difficulty, the disabled, and anyone with problems. We must have a vision of the future that combines economic development and attention to everyday life. The outgoing administration has made great plans and we must bring them to fruition.”

«Until a few months ago, even those who criticize the Administration today agreed that it had worked well. However, they realized it didn’t justify a change of course, so they started attacking, but without concrete proposals. We must remember this administration for the important projects already completed, such as school buildings, the reopening of the Franco Alfano auditorium and the new headquarters of the traffic police. But let’s think about the future and what still needs to be done, such as the port project, which will be an extraordinary economic driver for the whole city and will create jobs. It won’t be easy to achieve, but with everyone’s participation we will find an optimal solution.”

Again Mager from the stage in Piazza Borea: «The Pinqua per la Pigna project, with an allocation of around 15-16 million euros, will make this area even more beautiful, maintaining its characteristics of an ancient village. We love La Pigna and will work to ensure it becomes attractive all year round. Parking is on the way, with work underway in Piazza Eroi Sanremesi and plans for 500 new parking spaces between Porto Vecchio and Portosole. This will encourage trade in the city.”

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Mager fills up in Piazza Borea for the final speech

«It is important to intervene immediately to improve the waste collection system and the maintenance of street furniture. The outgoing administration leaves us a “treasure” that we will use for everyday life, because it is fundamental. We want a relationship of affection between the citizens of Sanremo and their administration, and we will restore a daily dialogue. This is my personal commitment.”

«The electoral campaign was tough, but I wasn’t scared of other people’s criticisms, also because they are inconsistent. They told me I’m not an expert, but this criticism comes from those who left a budget hole of 8 million euros. The dialectic is acceptable, but the controversies are sterile and I leave them to others. I thank the 96 members of our four lists for their trust and the work done, as well as those who worked in the shadows and those who put up the posters.”

«Tomorrow we vote and we are in the final sprint. I love cycling and this team has put me in an advantageous position. I will give the last pedal stroke and raise my hands only at the last one, with caution. I want to dedicate myself to my city and make my expertise available for Sanremo. We have an infinitely better team and I’m proud of that. We turn the page and we have an important period ahead for Sanremo. With honesty, seriousness, professionalism and competence, we will manage the administration of our city. Give us a big hand – concluded the candidate -, vote for us, join the civic coalition and long live Alessandro Mager! Thank you all, and a special thank you to my wife and children.”

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