Italy 24 Press News

Pierina Paganelli murder, Louis Dassilva’s DNA tests in Rome and Ancona

The unrepeatable investigations on the only suspect for the murder of Pierina Paganelli, Louis Dassilva, will be carried out on 11 and 12 June. questioned until the late evening of Thursday 6 June at the Police Headquarters in Rimini after notification of the notice of investigation.

The first investigations

In Dassilva, a 35-year-old Senegalese neighbor of the 78-year-old elderly woman killed with 27 stab wounds, yesterday afternoon it was a DNA sample was taken via swab which will be compared with that found on some objects found in the days following the crime. And in particular to a scalpel and a kitchen knife wrapped in a napkin, but also to some clothing worn by Pierina Paganelli on the evening of the murder, that of 3 October last year. The first checks are scheduled for June 11th in Ancona, in the medical-legal laboratory of Dr. Loredana Buscemi, in charge of the autopsy report. In the Marche capital the objective will be to verify whether Pierina Paganelli has suffered sexual violence, as was suspected after the discovery of the body with the slip which appeared to have been violently torn.

Dassilva’s wife was also interviewed at the police station

In Rome, further tests will be carried out on 12 June which involve comparing Dassilva’s DNA with that found with some objects seized in the house and in the garage of his home. Like the scalpel and the knife, already mentioned, but also samples of presumed blood substance found on the bathroom doors, some trousers dirty with dark stains and a pair of shoes. Yesterday at the police station, in addition to Louis Dassilva, Valeria Bartolucci, the wife of the 35-year-old, was also interviewed, who had always declared that she had spent the evening of October 3rd with her husband. An alibi confirmed several times even before the investigators. Dassilva is defended by the lawyer Riario Fabbri with the advice of the criminologist Roberta Bruzzone. Pierina Manuela Bianchi’s daughter-in-law, believed to be Dassilva’s lover, indulged in an outburst in front of the TV cameras: «You’ve been saying I’m very tense for eight months, enough! Louis investigated a turning point? Well, that’s enough! His legal advisor, Davide Barzan, however, continues to maintain that neither Manuela Bianchi, nor her brother Loris, nor Louis Dassilva and his wife had a role in the murder.

Family tensions

The investigators, the prosecutor Daniele Paci and the Flying Squad have a different opinion. The extramarital affair between Manuela and Louis would be judged from the wise men of the group of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Rimini – the church which both the victim, her daughter-in-law, her brother and other family members had joined, in the aftermath of Pierina’s murder – to decide on possible measures against Manuela. An element, the latter, which could have played a role in the entire affair. The investigators also found evidence of family tensions between Manuela Bianchi, Loris and Pierina regarding her daughter-in-law’s betrayal. Manuela Bianchi is married to Giuliano Saponi, one of Pierina’s three children, hospitalized from May last year until last October for serious injuries sustained in a serious and mysterious accident, probably caused by a hit-and-run driver, which occurred near his home . A few days after the crime he was supposed to return home and while he was waiting his mother Pierina was organizing a party to welcome him.

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