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VL Pesaro, Sacripanti and the new Board of Directors presented: sponsor, budget, market

Important day at home Carpegna Ham Basket Pesaro. The club this evening at 3.30pm will present the new coach in the City Council room Pino Sacripantiformer coach of VL from 2007 to 2009 who will now also deal with the construction of the roster and the coordination of Basketball Operations, and the renewed Board of Directors of the club.

The words of Franco Arceci, president of the Pesaro Basket Consortium: “With the resignations of Ario Costa, Rombaldoni, Amadori and Malerba, a cycle that began in 2012 comes to an end. I thank these people because they have transformed a company in great difficulty and debt. Now they lead it with a balanced budget, a more precious asset than a company can have. This is a gift for the new Board of Directors, it is important to start again with a healthy and problem-free company. Between the old and new Board of Directors, work has been done on the handover, a delicate moment and this transition is being completed formally on June 18th.

Public company? It’s not that there is only this model, but we have it here and it is producing results. Another owner can also be added to the consortium, which can be defined as a public company. But we have to be careful, because then we often see what happens: in Fano, Ancona, elsewhere… Having a consortium is an asset, it allows us to have solid and continuous references over time that can guarantee everything that is necessary for a company as important as this.

The sponsor? The negotiation is not yet closed, we have to wait a little longer to understand what will be decided. From the LBA we moved to the A2, the sponsor also has to make a series of assessments. I presume that soon there will be a decisive meeting to find out if he remains and in what way if so. At the moment nothing has been decided, neither for yes, nor for no, nor for the quantum.”

Andrea Valli, new president of the Board of Directors: “The company has been able to create a solid and recognized reputation throughout the sporting field. We have been left with a healthy company, important for being able to create something new. All this thanks to the previous Board of Directors, who was able to manage even difficult periods like the pandemic or the rise of A2. Now these people have decided to take a step back and this has forced the creation of a new Governance, which was made last week and will be official in the middle of the month. The consortium members remain the backbone , we are sure that they will also want to support the club in the coming years. We immediately started working on the plan to try to have a budget to spend on the team and everything around it. We work to have a budget in line with the ambitions, to get back to A2 as soon as possible, we have a lot of confidence in the consortium members, partners, sponsors and everyone to be able to have a budget that lives up to expectations”.

Pino Sacripanti: “I haven’t written anything, I have everything in my head. I must say that my choice was dictated by the fact that I spoke with the president and the Board of Directors. But I’m honest that an emotional part contributed a lot. The first time I I left home, arrived in Pesaro and you welcomed me as well as today. Even in these days I have had demonstrations from many loved ones that I was expecting. For me it is a pride, a great sense of responsibility to represent the community of this Pesaro so linked to the traditions of basketball. A city linked to basketball, which is not just a game. I read even before being contacted that I was one of the candidates, when I had the first meetings, with a very clear programming: there is a blank sheet of paper to write. I’m not good with names, sporting director, gm etc etc. I have always been used to building the teams together with the team, from the assistants and other scouting people, I have always had a strong participation in building the team. Here we speak from a very interesting player, Maretto, and we have nine more spots to fill. There is an impressive job to do, a huge one, in a championship that is not the one Pesaro has experienced in recent seasons. I’ve been coaching for 24 years, I’ve only had one real season in A2, which went well, but it’s a different championship, the Italians have a central role in the project, the two foreigners make the difference. There is important team building to do. But even before I dwell on it, I wanted to say that when I spoke with the new president, there was this great desire for seriousness in bringing Pesaro back to where it deserves. An audience like this gives responsibility and it’s a pleasure to have it. The second thing is that I feel like I’ve come home. I’ve traveled around quite a bit, I come from Cantù and the twinning between Cantù and Pesaro, staying here for two years has given me great pleasure. I feel the affection, the sense of responsibility is very high.”

Sacripanti on Cinciarini and Mazzola. “I met with Andrea, I spoke to Valerio on the phone. The two who made themselves “available” to be able to stay. Tambone we know that he went to Sassari. I was pleased by a message, just signed for the VL, from Leo Toté , but neither he nor Visconti have given any willingness, at least the agency, to be able to negotiate continuity. I have discussed it with them, let’s see little by little. I have to say that since the first meeting happened, even before the signing, there has been. it was a daily job to be able to talk to any agency about any player. In the meantime, we have to put in the first two/three points to build the team. I don’t know not an easy market. The name of VL and the name of Pesaro certainly count. Now we have to be good and even a little lucky to have the approval of some players structure, the first shots are those that will outline the role of the Americans, the bench and so on. Stazzonelli? Let’s say we still have to decide. He spoke to his agency yesterday in the pre-match of Cantù vs Trieste. We’ll see, he went to Monza Brianza to play the end of the season, near me, I followed him. We’ll see what role he will have. The starting point is Maretto. For the rest, let’s wait a moment.”

The technical staff. “With the good Giacomo (Baioni ed.) we meet again after 15 years, he will be with us. As well as Luca [Pentucci], Roberto Venerandi. I won’t even mention the medical staff because they are historic and very good. Now a very strong work also begins by the staff to try to understand the players, the hierarchies… We will be working 24 hours in this aspect. It’s nice to see Giacomo again. At a later time I will also try to look at the topic of the youth sector. For me it is very significant to also be close to Walter Magnifico, he was with me for many years in the Under 20 national team, we have “magnificent” memories of a gold medal won together. And since I take on so much responsibility, I put a bit of pressure on him too. I need his help, I believe that these characters who have given so much to basketball must be an example for the players, a stimulus, a sense of belonging to be part of this tradition. For me, the emotional part of coming to Pesaro, I repeat, is very important. We talk about basketball from Monday to Sunday’s game.”

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