Italy 24 Press News

Meloni: “Wake up Europe, we will defend it from Islamization”

A few hours from what Giorgia Meloni he is not afraid to define himself as a “hairpin bend in history”The European vote to renew the Brussels Parliament, the prime minister’s election campaign ends with a long interview with Century of Italy. Explanations, promises, announcements with great fanfare: the leader of the Brothers of Italy plays at home and launches the last challenge before facing the fateful judgment of the voters.

“As leader of the Brothers of Italy and the European Conservatives, my goal is to create a alternative majority to the current one, finally sending leftists of all colors into opposition”, begins Meloni. Once the bar has been set, the method to reach it remains to be understood: “We want to do, that is, exactly what we did in Italy a year and a half ago – clarifies the prime minister – and export this model for the leadership of future Europe”. The chessboard of alliances, although extremely complicated, could be sorted out quickly.“It is up to us to create the conditions – claims Meloni – and I am convinced that in this regard we can find a virtuous synthesis between conservatives, popular groups and the other political forces that recognize themselves in the centre-right”.

A result which, if also confirmed in Brussels, would once again consolidate the strength of the Italian government with melonian traction. “I consider this round – he states, speaking of the next vote – an important indication of the road traveled so far. In this year and a half we have achieved important results in Europe, to protect our national interests”. A path diametrically opposed to that undertaken by national and European socialists. In the field of immigrationfor example, the difference between the two sides on the field is all too evident: “Before we arrived – I explained the Prime Minister in great detail – in the EU we were only discussing how to redistribute among the 27 member countries the illegal immigrants that left-wing governments landed on our coasts, with us now we are working together to defend the external borders and finally fight human traffickers”.

And if at the level of individual dossiers Meloni’s plan includes a good dose of pragmatism, on the contrary, when ideologies come into play, the objective is even more ambitious. “We have the task of awakening this Europe from the sleep into which it has fallen, and defending it from relativism andCreeping Islamizationsummarizes Meloni. “There is a significant part of our future at stake – he states, speaking of the European Championships: as Italians, Europeans, Westerners. History, with a capital ‘S’, has started moving again: like it or not. And at this juncture Europe is at a crossroads”.

The referendum on which citizens are called to decide is exactly this: “Between a Europe that wants to continue to be an enormous ‘regulatory body’ of citizens’ lives, when the rest of the world invests, produces and expands – not always in a democratic way – its sphere of influence; and a Europe that instead wants to recover the vision of Founding fathersstarting from cooperation between sovereign nations and investing in their own strategic autonomy” .

With a final appeal addressed directly to the voters:“I’m happy to say one last thing. I assure you that Italy will fully play its part so that the next legislature will go down in history as the beginning of the new “Century”: that of political Europe, of the peoples…”.

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