Italy 24 Press News

A2 MARKET – VL Pesaro, Sacripanti takes stock of Cinciarini, Mazzola and the other Italians

Presentation day at home Carpegna Prosciutto VL Pesaro: the new Board of Directors and the new coach were presented in the Pesaro City Council room, Pino Sacripanti, who also spoke about the market. The VL will restart from the A2 with Octavio Maretto, the only player under contract. Glimpse for confirmations of Valerio Mazzola And Andrea Cinciarini, while Tambone – already settled in Sassari – Visconti and Toté are headed elsewhere. The words of the new technician collected by PB: “I met with Andrew [Cinciarini]I heard on the phone Valerio [Mazzola]. The two who made themselves “available” to stay. Tambone we know that he went to Sassari. I was pleased by a message, just signed for the VL, from Leo Toté, however neither he nor Visconti indicated their willingness, at least the agency, to be able to negotiate continuity. I talked to them, let’s see little by little. I have to say that since the first meeting happened, even before signing, there has been daily work to be able to talk to any agency about any player. In the meantime, we need to get the first two/three points to build the team.

Times? I do not know. As soon as possible. There is intense work in being able to search in a market that is not easy. The name of the VL and the name of Pesaro certainly count. We have set ourselves objectives with the company. Now you have to be good and even a little lucky to have the approval of some players. Now there is no structure, the first shots are those that will outline the role of the Americans, the bench and so on. Stazzonelli? Let’s say we still have to decide. We talked about him with his agency yesterday in the pre-match of Cantù vs Trieste. We’ll see, he went to Monza Brianza to play the end of the season, near me, I followed him. We’ll see what role he will have. The starting point is Maretto. For the rest, let’s wait a moment.”

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