Italy 24 Press News

At Villa Panza (Varese) the mystery of time is explored

The YOU DO – Italian Environmental Fund Ets presents “In time”an exhibition that explores the concept of time through fifty-nine works by twenty-three artists from the collection of Giuseppe Panza di Biumo. The exhibition, curated by Gabriella Belli with Marta Spanevellowill be open to the public from 6 June 2024 to 6 January 2025 to Villa Panza, Varese.

The exhibition is divided into two narrative registers, eternal time and the time of reality, guiding the visitor in five sections: meaning, duration, places, noise and the experience of time. The works on display, by artists such as Hanne Darboven, On Kawara, Joseph Kosuth, Jan Dibbets and Walter De Maria, investigate time as an immaterial and intangible presence, fundamental in every aspect of our lives.

“The moment you open a personal dialogue with a work of art, time loses its physical variable to take on a spiritual one, therefore timeless”, he declares Marco Magnifico, FAI president, underlining the importance of reflection on the “physicality” and “non-physicality” of time in the works exhibited. Among the curiosities of the exhibition, the work “One Million Years” of On Kawara involves the reading of a million years, written in the form of dates in ten large volumes, the subject of a live performance open to the public. Also, the installation “The Eighth Investigation, Proposition 3” by Joseph Kossuth invites the viewer to carry out the action of time by leafing through the notebooks on display, while the hands of twenty-four clocks indicating different times scroll on the walls.

Over Time.©Michele Alberto Sereni, courtesy Mainz

“Nel Tempo” is an exhibition project that enhances a group of works that are part of the recent donation of Rosa Giovanna Magnifico and of Panza family to the FAI (2022), as well as temporary loans from the Panza Collection in Mendrisio. The exhibition is accompanied by an illustrated catalog published by Magonza Editore and by podcasts that guide the visitor to understanding the works.

Nel Tempo is an exhibition project dedicated to one of the themes dear to Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, which intends to enhance a nucleus of works that are part of the recent donation by Rosa Giovanna Magnifico and the Panza family to the FAI (2022). The exhibition also makes use of temporary loans from the Panza Collection in Mendrisio.

The event takes place under the patronage of the Lombardy Region, in collaboration with the Municipality of Varese. Villa and Panza Collection is a Museum Recognized by the Lombardy Region.

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