Italy 24 Press News

Letters to AltriPagine | Corigliano-Rossano: are you returning the loot or not? (think about it Giacomino) – AltriPagine

CORIGLIANO-ROSANO – The stealthy gain of pinquaters it’s not just one shame and a disgrace for the City, but also a awkward for those who still, and despite everything, would like to be benevolent and draw a compassionate veil over all the misdeeds of these unforgettable and terrible last five years.

Furthermore, they would give evidence, even if belated, of a repentance which the law would take into account, because our legal civilization (even if today it is mortified by those who still persist and refuse the auto-da-fé and are not convinced that it must be neutral) provides for the mitigating factor of restitution and compensation for damages for crimes against property, which significantly mitigates the consequences of the crime.

To those not many obtuse people who censure my civic sense and sense of legality, I reply that, as a citizen and not least long-time professional (neither yet out of course or out of course) of this City, my City, I have the right and the duty and forgive me the presumption and the authority to defend first its prestige and fame and then also its history, art, beauty and traditions, rejecting attempts to how many occupy it to deface and disfigure it:

unworthy businessmen, mystifiers and hucksters without dignity and personal history.

In conclusion and without dragging it out, I want to say that It’s time to put an end to the pirate occupation of the half-stockings:

of those whose experience is made of Nothing you hate failures;

of those who surround themselves with others to give themselves tone half notches who pose as adults just because skilled swimmers in mud and ponds;

of the pinquaters;

of the pathological liars;

of the incapable.

Angelo Musco, great actor and playwright of the past, famous interpreter of the old, wise and good Professor Agostino Toti (lucky onomastic coincidence)protagonist in the film “Pensaci Giacomino” based on the work of the same name by Luigi Pirandello (Nobel prize)marries the young daughter of the janitor of the school where he teaches to save his honor, having become pregnant by a young man who had abandoned her.

Having learned that the young man in question was about to marry another girl, he goes to his house to convince him to return to his ex-girlfriend and recognize his son.

As he leaves the young man, still doubtful, he shakes his hand at the door and says:

«Think about it, Giacomino!».

The story has a happy ending, as Professor Toti hoped.

I also recommend myself to the reader/voter:

«Think about it, Giacomino!».

I add, paraphrasing another famous saying by Angelo Musco in the comedy “The inheritance of zI good soul”, to those who let themselves be seduced, come on selfies of the mayorwhich, in addition to being apathological liarit is also a maniacal narcissist:

“I did… I did… I did… suck!”.

Good luck to all!

Lawyer Pino Zumpano

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