Italy 24 Press News

“The Bologna-Castel Bolognese line will be an eco-monster”


“We all agree” on the need to upgrade the Bologna-Castel Bolognese railway line, but “there are other possibilities for success without damaging our land in this way”. He writes it in a note Confagricoltura Bologna, commenting on the project which will see the tracks quadrupled along the railway line. The risk, according to the president of the organization Davide Venturi, is that of a “real eco-monster”. The note arrives in the days in which the public debate was opened: the proposals of the new project, as reported by the Dire agency, insist on a route that varies from the current tracks, with a series of viaducts of a hypothesized height of up to 17- 18 meters.

The “irremediable” damage hypothesized by Venturi would concern, first and foremost, the agricultural activities already affected by the widening of the A14. “We are totally against what has been presented to us and we will fight in every forum against this crazy proposal” says the president of Confagricoltura Bologna, sharing the “strong doubts” already highlighted by the metropolitan city and the New Imola district, as well as by the majority of mayors and mayoral candidates in the area. The solution hypothesized by Venturi is to enlarge the current railway site, similarly to what will happen with the Passante di mezzo, “instead of disfiguring the plain. We therefore ask all parties involved to listen to those who live and work in the area and to listen to the suggestions presented” ends the note.

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