Italy 24 Press News

A new home for students

Legnano – La RSA Accorsiproperty already subject to regeneration and redevelopment which the Municipality assigned to a temporary business association (ATI) formed by Fondazione San Carlo Onlus, Renovo Impresa sociale and Intrecci social cooperative, is also brought back to life by the students.

“We are particularly satisfied that the former RSA Accorsi which, from a place exclusively dedicated to hospitality, finally opens up to the City and to the new generations, contributing to a path of urban regeneration which is not only the physical one of the buildings, but concerns our greatest wealth: people”, comments the Mayor of Legnano Lorenzo Radice.

“The Legnano project was born in synergy with other local entities and is part of a broader investment plan that our foundation has been implementing for some time to enhance the quality of training and professional growth of our students”, explains Benedetto Di RienzoPresident of the Its Incom Foundation.

The foundation Its Incom Academy of Busto Arsizio which manages the living spaces of the structure in Via Girardi in Legnano and makes them available to students. A fundamental service for those arriving from far away and wanting to choose the routes Its Incom to transform their passion for new technologies, digital and communication into a path that opens the doors of work to them in a dynamic and one of the most innovative areas in Italy.

“These training courses represent a new and important opportunity for young people in our area – he comments the mayor of Legnano Lorenzo Radice -. The councillor Ilaria Maffeiwhich has been working on the post-diploma training front for some time, has been personally involved in organizing meetings to present these courses in the high schools of our city, demonstrating the importance we recognize in a proposal that enables young people to work in our industrial system with skills that are in step with market demands”.

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