Italy 24 Press News

The mayor of Catania meets the student community of the E. Boggio Lera high school in Catania

CATANIA – Tuesday 4 June the Mayor of Catania, adv. Enrico Trantino, has met the student community of the Liceo E. Boggio Lera.

The event, focused on the theme School and territory, chaired by director Prof. Valeria Pappalardoallowed the students to show the mayor the various initiatives and extracurricular activities for the valorization of human resources and the territory, which characterize the educational profile of the high school.

Also present at the meeting were the lawyer. Ivan Albo, consultant of the Metropolitan City, e the engineer Francesco Nicosiamanager of the Technical Management Department (Building Assets and Maintenance) of the Metropolitan City.

The series of projects opened with the presentation of the performances of the robots designed, built and programmed by the robotics team that won the next place Robocup world competition, and in particular with the facial recognition of the mayor by the robot programmed to welcome the authority and welcome him. The representation of robotics moved forward with applications related to the recognition of objects of different colors, on the basis of which it was possible to send remote commands to another robot.

Following this, a meeting took place dense review of training projects such as the communication start-up Che ci Mangiamo, presented at the digital Catania and Innovation round table, or the PCTO Professional prospects for the development and resilience of territories (project for the recovery of abandoned areas in the historic center of the city), or the Radiolab projectradio information laboratory, or even the Philosophy Olympics and Debateaimed at increasing the critical spirit and ability to analyze reality.

Internationalization initiatives and preparation activities for language certifications were also presented which, together with Diplomats and European people project, aim to promote a European conscience. Space was also given to the activities of knowledge, valorisation and restitution of the artistic-architectural heritage of the city (Monasteries rediscovered) which strengthen the sense of belonging and contribute to the awareness of the person’s civic sense.

The review doesn’t even have it neglected to mention the multiple activities which take place in high school, to complete the children’s education: the theater workshop, cinema, sports activities.

The meeting ended with a long series of questions that the students addressed to the mayor, evidence of an urgent need on the part of the new generations for dialogue and discussion. The mayor’s timely responses clearly showed the municipal administration’s desire to establish a fruitful collaboration with the young generations represented by our students, for the creation of favorable prospects for the social and economic growth of the city of Catania.

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