Italy 24 Press News

Competition judges from Viterbo at the 2024 European Athletics Championships

Sports – Katia Doddo and Simone Battistin will be competing in the races from 5 June until 13 June

Sport – Athletics – The competition judges of Viterbo

Viterbo – We receive and publish – The Fidal competition judging group of Viterbo at the European Championships, of the 26th edition of 2024, with two competition judges, Katia Doddo and Simone Battistin, as it was in the 11th edition of 1974 with Biondini Bonaventura and Domenico Palazzetti.

We have arrived at the 26th edition of the 2024 European Athletics Championships which take place in Rome at the Olympic Stadium from 7 June to 12 June. Given the importance of the event I tried to reconstruct something that concerns us, like Ggg Fidal of our Province of Viterbo.

Therefore, in thanking all the competition judges of our region, present in 1974 and also now, 50 years later, where the Ggg Fidal Lazio is present with a large number of judges, in the various qualifications, at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, ready to go, just like the Stadio dei Marmi, everything is almost ready to begin, which is why I want to focus on the Judges present then and today.

In 1974, I was very young, with a season ticket of 2,000 Lire, I was lucky enough to see all the races of that edition, from morning to evening on the steps of the Tevere Tribuna, passion plays tricks on me.

Even then I saw the beautiful races live, with great passion and participation, but I was able to admire the professional commitment put in by the race judges present and, with humility in my own small way, I still try to do so today.

However, in that edition there were two Judges from the Viterbo group, whom I had the pleasure of meeting in the late eighties, both involved in the ceremonial, one was the late Biondini Bonaventura, as well as Professor of Physics, no longer among us, the other still involved in various sports associations is Domenico Palazzetti, who left the judges’ register towards the end of the 80s.

Judge Domenico Palazzetti was also able to provide me with some memories of that time, Fidal cards from 1965 onwards, the certificate issued on that occasion and even the jacket, with the Fidal buttons and the tie, which is why I said above “other times”, all kept in excellent condition.

Moving on to the 26th edition in 2024, as then there are two Fidal Judges of the Ggg of Viterbo, Katia Doddo and Simone Battistin engaged from 5 June until 13 June with the following roles, Katia Doddo in the important role of deputy head of the Women’s Anti-Doping Service, while Simone Battistin will be involved in the various platforms of the high jump as an attendant.

Surely the clothing for these 2024 European Championships will not be like that of 1974, times change, but athletics remains.

The Viterbo judges present at the 2024 European Championships deserve the applause of the entire Ggg of Viterbo, of the athletes and of the entire world of Viterbo athletics, also because they keep the spirit and tradition of our Viterbo Group high, without forgetting Biondini and Palazzetti present in 1974. Furthermore, Franco Di Pietro, current Ggg Lazio Trustee and Franco Pica, current Ggg Viterbo Delegate, present as Judges for 2024.

Good luck for this beautiful and further experience, to the entire Ggg Fidal, in particular Katia Doddo and Simone Battistin, in the hope that our athletes achieve excellent sporting performances, personal records and many medals for Italy.

Fabrizio Maiolati
Vice President of Athletics Alto Lazio
Member of the regional Ggg competition judges committee

June 7, 2024

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