Italy 24 Press News

Terni, ‘Galilei’ high school: project management at the center of attention

07 Jun 2024 11:12

A training testimony in schools on the topic of ‘project management’ with illustration by the engineer Stefano Maria Perelli. It took place at the ‘Galilei’ high school in Terni on Friday morning and the final ceremony involved 142 students. The manager Silvia Rossi, the PCTO manager Monica Morici and some teachers also participated. The Terni consulate of the National Federation of Labor Masters held the ceremony, complete with the delivery of a booklet to the students with a reproduction of the Italian Constitution thanks to the contribution of the Carit foundation.

«The National Federation of Labor Masters, a non-profit organization registered with the Runts (third sector) is very involved in social issues – explains the provincial consul Alvaro Caproni – and in schools to bring educational testimony on various topics such as ‘safety culture’, ‘ ethics at work’, ‘sustainability’, ‘project management’ also based on the memorandum of understanding signed by the Federation and the Ministry of Education on 10 May 2021. The protocol provides for periodic meetings to monitor the activities carried out. The primary objective of the Federation, also provided for in the statute, is to transmit, in a completely voluntary and free manner, to the new generations the experiences acquired over years of work”. The training testimony involved a total of seven institutes (four lower secondary schools and three lower secondary schools) and approximately 600 students.

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