Italy 24 Press News

In Abruzzo the revolution starts from the vineyard – Agenfood

(Agen Food) – Ortona (CH), 7 June. – Is called “ADO – Areas of the four DOs of Abruzzo for a modern characterization” the innovative project to enhance Abruzzo’s viticultural heritage recently presented by Consortium for the Protection of Abruzzo Wines.

Promoted in collaboration with Ager and financed by Rural Development Program (RDP) 2014-2020 of Agriculture Department of the Abruzzo RegionADO sees, for the first time ever declined in a territorial key, the application of the most modern technologies in the vineyard, with the aim of mapping an entire region.

Thanks to the support of the platform Enogisthe meteorological data of the 47 climate stations spread across the entire territory are cross-referenced with the viticultural index, the soil map and the climate series.

Through this in-depth analysis, the Consortium and individual company will be able to evaluate the suitability of each individual vineyard plot, drawing conclusions on the varieties planted, orientation and water needs.

With the integration of the new support of the viticultural phytopathological bulletin issued by the Region, every winemaker will have a very powerful short and long-term evaluation tool in their hands. In this project, all the supply chains linked to integrated production in the vineyard are involved at the highest level, therefore producers, field technicians and institutions.

“Our winemakers will have at their disposal with just one click all the useful information to make choices not only in the phytosanitary field but also in the phase of new plants or renewal of them. – tells Alessandro Nicodemi, president of the Consortium for the Protection of Abruzzo Wines – Choices that orient production towards dual sustainability: on the one hand the environmental one, through the protection of the operator throughout the entire reference area, to minimize the use of pesticides only when necessary, on the other the economic one, with the possibility of planting vineyard and varieties in the right place”

In-depth study and study also applied in the selection of new varieties, which is the basis of the experiments conducted with resistant vineyards by the Consortium with the precious support of the Ridolfi-Zimarino agricultural technical institute in Scerni.

This year, 18 resistant varieties were planted, compared with the native varieties to verify the possibility of introducing them into the regional register and being able to use them in IGT production. A project that over 5 years will give winemakers the opportunity to expand their viticultural choices, especially in areas more subject to phytopathologies.

“Fundamental experiments in a context of climate change – he continues Nicodemi – also in light of what happened last year with the downy mildew outbreaks, for which we are still awaiting compensation. We must therefore find preventive solutions to preserve the profitability of our winemakers and thus support Abruzzo’s wine production.”

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