Italy 24 Press News

Coldiretti Alessandria the manifesto of “The Europe and the Territory We Want”

Coldiretti Alessandria

Coldiretti puts down on paper the most urgent measures to protect businesses and quality food

Elections: the manifesto of the agricultural world’s priorities for ‘Europe and the territory we want’

Enhance the role of producers, support the income and transparency of agri-food products

While awaiting the electoral results and the formation of the new institutions of the European Union, Coldiretti has developed a “Manifesto” on the measures it is asking from the new leaders in Brussels and a series of priorities for the territory presented during the meetings in the territory with the candidates of the various parties.

“We ask politicians for maximum attention to our sector, remembering that quality food, the basis of our Made in Italy, is produced precisely in agricultural companies. We are experiencing a situation of great concern for the entire agricultural sector. As Coldiretti Alessandria we reiterate the need to reduce the formalisms of bureaucracy, develop multifunctionality and the agricultural economy also through the vector of social agriculture, invest in the integral distinctiveness of agricultural production, while strengthening the link between tourism and food and wine, support the presence and supply of local food, encouraging the presence of farmers’ markets and linking public catering to preferential lanes for local production. Safeguarding the environment and rural space for a virtuous distribution of water for irrigation use”, stated the President of Coldiretti Alessandria Mauro Bianco.

At a territorial level, attention was focused on the fundamental importance of supply chain agreements and relationships with virtuous agro-industry but also on the critical issues of tenders for accessing funds and contributions which represent concrete tools for supporting the competitiveness of businesses, water resources, the situation of the floodplain areas, damage from wildlife, the battle for transparent labelling, the new CAP, land consumption and the recovery of abandoned lands.

Topics that fall within the document “The Europe we want”, aimed at relaunching agriculture, enhancing the role of producers, defending the quality and transparency of agri-food products, supporting farmers’ income.

“Protecting and enhancing agriculture and its extraordinary biodiversity is a necessary act to promote the sustainability and importance of supply chains, we hope for a policy committed to the protection and promotion in the strategic sectors of agriculture, environment and tourism to combat depopulation and create new employment levels – added the Director of Coldiretti Alessandria Roberto Bianco -. Attention and sensitivity towards these issues represent the basis for growing the territory at all levels, from the province to Europe, to encourage the construction of the common good, the confirmation that we are working together in the right direction. A sharing of intentions that does not represent an electoral propaganda act, but the affirmation of a heartfelt conviction towards the agricultural world, which in fact the different political positions have always supported”.

The document starts from the aid of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) which Coldiretti asks to increase for two strategic purposes: to ensure the food autonomy of European citizens and to encourage generational turnover. In this regard, Coldiretti reiterates the function of the CAP as “a primarily agricultural and not environmental instrument” on which the future of food and consequently stability, peace and democracy depends. The message is clear: enough with “ideo-ecological” policies, no more strategies written against agriculture, but investments also to encourage generational change and thus ensure the future of the European Union.

Closely linked to this request is another important intervention: the recognition of the role of farmers as guardians of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Third fundamental and central point in Coldiretti’s action: the obligation of the label with indication of origin for all foods and abolition of the customs code rule on the last transformation. The 360-degree defense of food includes the request to stop imports that do not comply with European and Italian standards.

The watchword can only be one: reciprocity. To put an end to unfair competition. The defense of food is also based on saying no to Nutriscore, the nutritional label that deceives consumers and damages quality products, and to food made in laboratories. Thanks to Coldiretti, the issue of artificial food products has become public knowledge. Our country has passed a law banning production, processing and import which has become a model. In fact, twelve European Union countries have signed a document that provides for a moratorium on cell-based food. And on the other side of the ocean, Florida and Alabama have passed legislation similar to the national one.

Another key issue to guarantee a healthy and quality diet is the recognition of a fair income for farmers. For Coldiretti, the CAP will have to encourage a model that favors supply chain agreements so that the producers are not disadvantaged in the value chain.

The seventh point is the simplification of rural development rules and the strengthening of investments in research (starting with Tea) and training. The promotion of innovation must become, for Coldiretti, a driver of the EU. Among the proposals are a campaign to support precision agriculture, European investments in artificial intelligence systems to overcome delays on this front managed by the tech giants of the United States and China.

Another chapter is that of risk management which must also aim for greater flexibility and speed in ascertaining damage and in reconstructing the advance capital to ensure the continuity of the company.

Without forgetting the containment of wildlife necessary to protect farmers’ income.

And last, certainly not least because it could represent the real turning point, the elimination of the bureaucracy which today forces farmers to produce more paper than food.

Alexandria, 7 June 2024

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