Italy 24 Press News

Cosenza – The Piccolo Coro del Teatro Rendano, together with the Municipality, promotes sustainable development

Cosenza – A zero impact concert with an emblematic title“If you throw them away I’ll play them for you”. It is the one organized by the Piccolo Coro del Teatro “Rendano”, in synergy with the Municipality of Cosenza, the Parish of San Gaetano and the Calabria Choirs Organization, and scheduled for Friday 7 June, at 7.30 pm, in the Church of San Gaetano. The Little Choir of the “Rendano” Theater promotes sustainable development through the design of an innovative sound and by launching a project to raise awareness of respect for the environment which draws inspiration from the encyclical “Laudato Sì”, published by Pope Francis on 24 May 2015 and in which the Pontiff focused attention on the ecological issue and on the environment, urging action to address the environmental and social challenges of the contemporary world and a true “ecological conversion”.

The final objective is to build musical instruments, reusing objects and materials intended to be discarded and thrown away (such as cardboard, cane and plastic tubes, vases, jars, tin and wooden boxes, crown caps, cans ). Focusing on recycling has the aim of root the awareness that the environment is a fundamental good in the culture of the new generations which must absolutely be protected, proposing a lifestyle that allows us to overcome today’s sometimes excessive consumption and which leads us to waste a lot of what we have. This will be a first step to stimulate a careful and responsible attitude towards the increasingly current issues of ecology and respect for the environment.

The concert will be directed by Maria Carmela Ranieri with piano accompaniment by Francesca Di Mare. “The idea – explains the director of the Piccolo Coro Maria Carmela Ranieri – was born from the need to work and do something for the environment and as a musician it came natural to me to use the power of music to convey the message of recycling and the economy circular”.

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